what is this?


Hi, I am 51, one vaginal childbirth at age thirty. I am a little overweight and don't exercise. My boyfriend noticed a lump in the backwall of my vagina behind my cervix. It is not always there but feels like a golfball when it is prominant. It has been there for several years now. I don't have health insurance or a gyno at the moment. Could this be a cystocele? My cervix is becoming more pronounced also and seems to be getting closer to my opening especially when I stand. Any helpful comments would be appreciated.

Thanks, Michelle

I think if it is the back wall then it is a rectocele. A cystocele would be the front wall. Unfortunately rectoceles seem to be the most stubborn. I've heard that diet is a big factor in improving the symptoms of a rectocele. If your cervix is becoming more pronounced then it could be your uterus prolapsing also. If you read the posts on this forum you will find more information on changing your posture and diet etc. There are a lot of supportive women here.

That sounds very similar to what I experience. I have a rectocele and some uterine prolapse. My rectocele is lower on the back wall of my vagina, though. The worse my rectocele feels, the lower my cervix seems to drop. I think this is because its all connected and if one thing is dragging down, another is bound to come down a bit too...

i think you should see a doctor about it.

i have had a rectocele (kinda sorta patched up after i tore in my latest delivery 4 weeks ago), but it was a bulge and mostly was a soft bulge. it really feels more like a hernia, or a weakness/ slackness which falls into a bulge when i stand, and then i feel fulness/ heaviness. it does not feel like a hard round growth

i still feel it (though its not bad at the moment), but i cant say it ever bothered my hubby or that he is ever particularly aware of it except when i complained of discomfort.

how do others' rectoceles feel?