Prolapse surgery


I am a 49 year young woman but my pelvic/bladder/rectal prolapse is making me feel very old. My bladder hangs down to the opening of my vagina and it burns and hurts most of the time. I keep getting bacteria infections from it and I cannot wear pants anymore at all. If I walk or stand too long it gets worse. My gynecologist said that my cervix is dropping lower each time I visit her. She wants to lift my bladder and pelvis with mesh while repairing my rectocyle. I want to be normal again. I want to dance, walk, swim, and wear normal clothing again. I have tried everything. The pessary didn't work, biofeedback and kegel exercises are just a temporary band aid. Are there any success stories for those who have had the surgery? Any recommendations, I'm new at this?
Thanks for listening,

I do sympothise with you I feel this burning and soreness to..a lot and have to lie on the couch to ease it, I do not want surgery i am terrified ive been doing the posture and it helps a bit but I still get this burning somedays, also ive never tried a pessary I would love one just to get some ease but i'm frightened to try it incase it doesn't work and thats another option closed to me. I'm just so glad that this place is here because there is always someone at the same level as me and I think i'm at your level Pamela. I just feel I don't get a lot of ease these days at all

*Tries again - If this pooter crashes again I will throw it outta the window stupid oldddd thing*

As I tried to say...

When i got here I had a peeking prolapse - The Posture here put it back inside of me and it is now not a problem - Have you tried this?

Surgery really worries me as all i hear about is the fix of the fix of the fix, and when i read the sites that women are advocating this on - All they talk about is their yearly or bi-yearly fixup. They are unable to lift anything unable to have sex without pain unable to do anything much it seems. _ i would really try anything before surgery as once done it can never be undone.

For the bladder have you tried double micturation(sp)?

My MS nurse told me about this for my MS and it really helps no end. It is all about making sure the bladder is truly empty (meaning it is lighter and less draggy)

I found this online...

*It is always wise to empty your bladder before getting started. Try using the technique of double micturition to ensure your bladder is completely empty. Once the stream has finished, get up from the toilet, move around or walk to another room and then return to the toilet to pass any remaining urine that may be left in the bladder. A few good belly coughs will ensure the last drops are passed as the abdominal muscles push down on the bladder.*

Dunno about the belly laughs but I found if you hold your breath for a few secs then breathe out slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwly - The last few drops come out without all the hassle listed above...

Hope that helps a little -= hafta post thsi now in case I crash and lose it all again lol


Look into the eyes - They hold the key!

Ok I didnt crash for once...

You said...

The pessary didn't work,

* try a different pessary - sometimes you have to try a few different types*

biofeedback and kegel exercises Kegels shmegels - *

Do not do tons of them - makes it TEN times worse - Do about 8 good kegels a day - then you will be amazed as too many kegels tires out the muscle and makes dragging worse*

are just a temporary band aid. Are there any success stories for those who have had the surgery? Any recommendations, I'm new at this?
Thanks for listening,

* I am sure some people out there have had sucess from surgery - But to be totally honest - I have not heard of any at all. :-( *

My mother has prolapses also and she got a pessary and says her rectocele is so much better.

I have had a pessary fitted by my evil Dr - who gave me 2 prolapses I was previously not diagnosed with - Now I have all 3 prolapses when I started off being diagnosed with just one.

My main problem is with Cystocele (Bladder) The posture has helped me no end with this :)

I would urge you to read this site lots and learn about the posture and other things before jumping head first into surgery :)

Hope that helps a bit


Look into the eyes - They hold the key!

Sue you have been such an encouragement to me even with the emails we shared and I keep them to look at them for help to (((Sue))) I think it's just a really bad day for me, two days ago i had a scope up my BM it was ok but before my doctor would send me to get a ring she wanted to get through the procedures as she called it, so ive had to get this done because I felt sensations round my anus due to my recotele after I pass a motion. So now I still can't be sent for a ring till she comes back from her holidays and I have to wait another 2 weeks before I can even see her, one good thing though my smear (pap) was clear.

I hope all goes well with your tests.

I am happy to do anything I can to help anyone - :-))))


Look into the eyes - They hold the key!