Raw Breakfasts


Anyone have ideas for all raw breakfasts that can actually get me through until noon? Juice and fruit does not do it. I have a nursing 25lb. baby who, because of severe allergies, is still existing mainly on breastmilk. I think this makes my energy needs higher. Just so you know, because of little guy's allergies I can not eat any dairy, oats, corn, or wheat or any of its relatives-even sprouted! We are not sure about tree nuts yet, so I avoid them too, except in very small quantities. He is not allergic to eggs so I live on scrambled eggs and rice cakes but would rather eat something raw for breakfast-I have just run out of ideas. Before we understood ds's allergies I used to make raw oat porridge, sprouted grain power bars and sprout smoothies. Fruit smoothies made with soy milk do not get me through a morning and I really don't like soy milk and it is not raw anyway. I have tried smoothies made with sunflower seeds, but I didn't like it . Maybe I did it wrong? Any creative raw cooks out there?

I can't really offer any time tested recipe but I will tell you that I also nurse a big ole boy - 23lbs and no other food will do yet-
I just eat all the time-I am at home all day so I just eat constantly-
and it sounds like you need to eat the eggs- if you can't get protein from nuts- you could always do a bean scramble with your eggs- that would probably help curb the hunger- but it isn't raw-

Annma -

Why don't you make traditional pancakes but use rice flour and soy milk. Soy is great in cooking - makes everything light. I'd use 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, splash of oil, an egg, and a dash of salt, and soy milk to thickness you want. Then either use a waffle iron or grill.

Top with honey, fresh fruit, homemade syrup - two sugars to one water boil three minutes - or even something like tuna or egg or ice cream or cheese sauce.

Batter will last 4-5 days. You can even add grated potato for a heavier pancake or waffle.

Good luck with it,


Hi Annma,
I was just searching for tips/others interested in a raw food diet and your post from a while ago showed up. Over the past year, I've become more and more interested and enamored with raw food. Christine's book got me thinking about it, then I seemed to be getting subtle messages about it everywhere. If you came up with some good raw breakfasts, I'd be interested in hearing about them.

Two raw breakfasts which I like:
- Sprouted buckwheat cereal. They sell it at our local Jimbo's supermarket (gRAWnola) and I just learned how to make it myself - it was very easy - I borrowed a friends dehydrator to do it. I have it with sliced bananas and home-made macadamia nut milk (may not work if your son is allergic to tree nuts), which I've also recently found to be very easy to make and so much tastier than the store bought variety.
- Flax seed pancakes. I think I got the recipe from a book by Ani Pho (may be spelled wrong). Basically its ground flax seeds, coconut oil, and a little agave, form into patties and serve with nuts (which you could avoid) and bananas.