How to use sea sponge????


My order for Sea Sponges should be arriving soon. I am looking forward to trying them as a form of pessary, but I am not exactly sure how to use them. I understand that I wet one and insert it as far as I can - right? How long do I leave it in? When I take it out, do I just rinse & reinsert or do I use a clean one and sterilize the first? I assume I would only use them during the day? Are there any complications associated w/them - like infection? And anything else you can tell me???

Thank you so much. This site has been a lifesaver.

I think the sea sponge comes with directions. It will tell you how to insert it and how to clean it. You might have to cut around it to make it the right size for you. I tried the sea sponge and it didn't work for me but I hope you have more success because it is a lot more natural.