anal fissure


Can anyone give me information about anal fissures. Just found out all my pain in my rectum is from a fissure. I also have a rectocele. Do fissures really cause so much pain that you can't sit? Any information would be appreciated. I have an appointment with a colon rectal surgeon, but not for 2 weeks. What helps the pain, and can it make you hurt up in the rectum.

I have a friend who had this. It was miserable for her. She had this after her son was born. She's a yoga instructor, so you know she's in top shape. She was told by her doctor that she could have surgery to repair this and it could cause permanent problems like no control.

She opted to wait it out and now she's fine, no problems. She said it was horrible for weeks, and then it healed and went away. She made sure to eat a diet that would make evacuation easy.

Hi Maxi

I have had these in the past, for short periods of time, when I had been constipated, but they always healed quickly, like a few days. I have also had a similar sensation further up in the rectum, which also went away unaided (the pain that is, not the rectum!). There are a lot of things that can happen in that part of the world, so ensure you have all the appropriate tests to find exactly what it is before submitting to surgery. Don't be in a hurry to have surgery unless it is unequivocally necessary to have urgent surgery. See if you can also give it some time to heal by itself if it is nothing sinister. The human body is amazing the way it can heal itself, given a non-irritating diet and some time.



Tanks for responding. I had all the test, said the hemorroids weren't bad enough to cause all the pain up in the rectum. Can a fissure cause pain way up inside?? I actually think they made it worse with the flexible sig.

After fiddling around with that problem for sev. months after childbirth, I had an appointment with my sensible family physician who recommended taking Metamucil...solved the problem within a few days.
When having a bowel movement, it stops the irritation to the open sore area in the rectum. It is a oral granular product, found in laxative dept. (Probably generic brands are same.)It is a mild product that makes a soft, slippery stool.
Increasing more fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains will be helpful, too...and lots of fluids for soft BMs.