Hello, here’s an update & Where can I get Poke Root Oil?!


Hello Christine, mother Joy, and there is of the ladies here;



Discoveries In Health - Research Report
by Truman Berst, Master Herbalist


Cut cotton in pieces two inches by four inches. Lay them on top of each other until you have a
small pile about one inch high. Tie a string tightly around the middle and leave one end about ten inches long loosely hanging. A drug store or herbal pharmacy can supply "ichthammol", (a black salve) and vegetable glycerine. Mix two teaspoons of ichthammol and two teaspoons of glycerine together in a cup or small pan. (Use more of this mixture if needed.) Soak the cotton in this mixture thoroughly and insert it into the vagina up to the cervix, leaving the long end of the string hanging out. Wear a heavy cotton cloth or sanitary napkin over the vaginal opening so the mixture will not leak on your bed clothing. Follow this procedure five nights weekly before
bed and remove it each morning by pulling slightly on the string. This will draw out the infection and help shrink fibroid tumors and ovarian cysts, or other growth that are in the uterus. Fibroid tumors are known to completely disappear in one month, they were so large it blocked the colon and inhibited bowel movements.

Douche in the morning with an infusion made from equal parts goldenseal and myrrh. Make a quart of this tea and add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Or use #51 Herbal Douche Formula follow directions on label. This procedure is also good for chronic vaginitis, and other vaginal and uterine infections.

Note: If ichthamnol black salve cannot be found, make a poultice out of equal Parts of slippery elm powder, white oak bark powder and enough water and french clay to make it of thin consistency. Mix the cotton layers in this and follow the above directions.

Put a castor oil pack over the ovaries four consecutive nights peer week. Before applying the castor oil pack, rub poke root oil over the ovary that is affected, then apply the pack.


CHRISTINE, GRANDMOM JOY, (& anyone else)


I know and understand that since you both are into alternative, homeopathic treatments you might either be familiar with this – or at least have a very educated opinions on it.

A UTERINE FIBRIODS Dr. and Where can I get Poke Root Oil?!

That's OK. Here is a saved version/copy. Thanks & I'll check out those links.


Hello Christine, Mother Joy, and the rest of the ladies here;

I’m just writing to give you an update, asked for your suggestion, and of course to say hello. I have been doing some research on the Internet about fibroids. I found out that interesting enough, many of the symptoms that women such as I experience with huge fibroids are extremely similar to you guys with prolapsed. I was kind of concerned however when I read in some places that some of the fibroids can become cancerous. In fact, my godmother’s sister just passed a little over a month ago from cancer of the uterus. Her daughter said that she had big fibroids, and when they cut them out, they found the cancer. She was diagnosed last November – at least that’s when we found out. And unfortunately, she succumb to it this past May. The funniest thing is that she was ALWAYS super healthy and into organic food! :? In fact, I don’t even think she ate meat. So everyone always wondered how could such as super healthy vegetarian get cancer?

I actually start going to this homeopathic doctor. I told him all about my symptoms and issues. He said I sounded just like his sister-in-law. He claimed she had huge fibroids. He said they were going to operate and remove them, and he stepped in just-in-time. He claims that with his treatments her fibroids are all gone. I did tell him however about my god-mother’s sister. I asked how could such a women who is so into eating healthy and organic food could succumb to such an illness? He gave me an analogy of a fire in an enclosed room. He said that if you see a fire and you pour water on it - you can’t automatically assume it will go out. You must first know the cause. For if it’s an electrical or gas-fire, you just helped it spread. He said this in regards to my god-mother’s sister. He said that if she did not treat the root cause of her cancer and simply just tried to eat healthy foods, she would not stop it from spreading.

She started chemotherapy in January, if not mid-December. And I know that once you hit chemo you’re basically done. It wasn’t until after the first dose of chemo did not work, that she began to seek alternative methods again. I also know that she seemed very down and out, and it almost seemed like she gave up. And you can see via Tammy Faye Bakker, (who seemed damn near dead back in December, and she held on until last week!) that if you have a will to live, you can last much longer than most people would expect you to.
Well he gave me a bunch of homeopathic remedies. I am currently writing this at work – were the Internet is not service, and of course I don’t have the remedies in front of me. When I get home, I will name my list of remedies I’m supposed to take.

Here is my list of homeopathic drops manufactured at Professional Complementary Health Formulas in Portland, Or. I am supposed to take these 3 times a day:

• Female endocrine axis drops – to supposed balance my out-of-whack hormones
• Hepaticol drops – to cleans and detox my liver
• Adrenal liquescence – for my whacked out adrenal glands
• Sinusitis drops – for my continually draining sinuses
• Lymph stim liquescence – I guess to drain my lymph systems?
• Degex liquescence – something about helping drain and shrink my frbroids

He told me that my adrenal glands our shot. And this is the cause of my horrible insomnia. Of course with me working 16 to 20 hour days, my biological clock is completely off! He also said that I had a major hormonal imbalance. I’m like, duh – especially with me growing breasts at 9, starting my period at 10, being “boy crazy” at 11, being constantly in heat (although I’m miserably single) and having this extremely annoying beard that just wont leave!! He said that I have a lot of estrogen in my system either via hormone replacement, birth-control pills, or steroids in the food. Being that I’m not on menopause and bleed like the horse, & I’m single, miserable, lonely, and in heat – I have absolutely no reason to ever take birth control nor hormone replacement pills! As for food, I’m not even a big red meat eater. Now I do love chicken and I know any meat that man touches, will be doomed and curse to hell.

He told me to try and get more sleep, stay away from caffeine, coffee, black tea, chocolate, and fried foods. I think I have done a decent job doing this. I asked him what will happen if I cheat? He said I will lose at least two weeks worth of treatment. I however only had three sessions with him. I have been doing this for almost two months now. I did cheat the last weekend of June. As for me having problems going to the bathroom, this usually only occurs once a month. However, this actually occurred three different times in June and five times this past month of July! I would expect and hope that my symptoms of peeing would get better – not worse!
I went to the co-op to volunteer last week, and one of the workers who prayed over my swollen lymph nodes last summer and suggested/urged me to check them out at this Chinese acupuncturist, referred me to this guy across the street. I think it was either mono or strep throat compliments of my filthy as roommate or infected coworker. The Chinese doctor gave me a bunch of disgusting tasting herbs to boil and drink. They got better and went down in less than a month.

Of course working doubles, having insomnia, eating pizza/carry out/and greasy fried foods, and getting less than four hours of sleep for an entire summer will definitely do the trick is well! In fact my body was so pissed at me, that I ended up buying $30 foundation from Mac to cover all of the welts and pimples on my face!!! Of course my body will attack me. I guess I was treating it like crap!

Well as for these fibroids, I did absolutely nothing to cause them!!! This is obviously just part of my cursed luck – i.e. I have none!!! From my research, I realize that I fit each and every description to get fibroids, unlike my prolapsed. The reason I started searching prolapsed is because my gynecologist claimed that I had it. Via the Internet, it says that prolapsed uterus usually occurs in
• Caucasian women
• Who are slim with small, narrow hips
• And gave birth to many children

I for one am definitely not Caucasian, I unfortunately am the extreme opposite of small (as one gay friend said, I have big childbearing hips), & my hips are large. And to top it off, I am miserably single, unmarried, and never gave birth!!! Of course, that’s when my shady former roommate happily pointed out how she may be “slightly” heavier that me (by almost 100 lbs.) but my belly is twice the size of hers and it looks like I’m five months pregnant. Of course this help build her shot-to-hell self-esteem at my expense.
Will unlike all the symptoms for the prolapsed, I unfortunately fit EVERY SYMPTOM to get fibroids like a puzzle! :(
I’m black, started my period when I was 10, am overweight, and who knows how many other symptoms I perfectly match.

Well I went to the man across the street from the co-op and told him of my issues as well. He told me to fast for four hours and come to have my ph level tested for $150. He gave me this fibroid treatment that he got from some alternative healing book. This is basically what it is below. I got everything except some poke root oil. I’ve never heard of it – and nor have anyone else.


Listed above is the treatment he suggested. And I will definitely check out this fibroid site. Thanks.

Oh ((((Ms. Cutie)))), I hear your pain and desperation. It seems to me that herbal remedies are a drop in the bucket at this point, as fibroids appear to be a problem at the gene level – some genetic sequence that is supposed to produce muscle tissue goes bananas creating the fibrous stuff instead. There is hope though and the best thing you can do is get yourself involved with a network of women experiencing the very same symptoms as you.

Check out this website: http://www.fibroidnetworkonline.com

They seem to be working on the issue at all levels and there is a large community there as well as all sorts of medical and alternative resources.

I am praying for a solution for you!



P.S. I'm so sorry I deleted your original post!! I thought they were all copies. :-(


Sounds like you have a lot on you're plate but you're getting lot's of interesting info.. all i can contribute is that i have heard of poke root.. it's in a herbal formula used for the uterus in arvingo massage uterus problapse formula and i think i remember it being related to fibroids too..?

Henrietta herbal on line is an amazing resource for herb info.. hopefully there'll be info there

Best wishes
