granolamom could use some healing vibes sent her way...


Hi Everyone,

Gmom came down with a very severe UTI that quickly traveled to her kidney. She is very ill and may require a hospital stay if the first round of antibiotics don't knock it down.

Please say a prayer for her!!!



My thoughts and prayers are with you. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

- Lilly Anne

Get better and feel better soon!!


I am wishing you a speedy recovery too, Granolamom, and will remember you in my prayers!


prayers said!

and thinking strong thoughts of a quick recovery to you.

sending you much much love and hoping the antibiotics are working.


Get well soon, Granolamom. Kidney pain is pretty nasty. Hope you're getting lots of help and rest.


Granolamom, I'll be thinking of you in my prayers and meditiations.

Let's all manifest Gmom's full and speedy recovery.


I so appreciate all of your well-wishes, good thoughts and prayers
thank G-d the abx are doing their job, and I did not end up in the hospital. right now I'm feeling sick as a dog, but blessed with the privilege of being home with my babies, and being able to bf the little one.

I learned my lesson, don't mess around with uti's
I had one day of cramping with urination, started lots of vit c, cranberry juice, fluids, no sugar, etc and symptoms went away. a week later I had high fevers (103), shaking chills, dizziness, etc
went to dr and by then the infection had gone to my kidney.
pretty scary stuff
next time I'm going straight to the dr
but will work hard to prevent a next time

Hi Granolamom,

I'm so glad you're home with your loved ones and doing better.



i had a posting here a while ago with an amazing recipe of herb's - i'm not recommending them at all for a stage whre fever's etc.. are presenting them but in week one they are amazing.. and i too tried everything (mannitose - coconut oil, not cranberry - apparantly like gasoline on fire *during an sti but great precentitively- diet changes, baking soda... acupuncture - which worked the time before) anyhoo the herbs were amazing.

just wanted to let othre pple kno.. Hope you're feeling better soon and make sure to take you 're probiotics to build up youre good bacteria so you don't get another antibiotic related infection

Best wishes


thanks for posting, I was actually thinking of you the other night, was going to ask you about that.
will go back and look up your prior post, but please tell me about cranberry....I thought thats what I was supposed to do at the onset of uti symptoms. now you say its like gasoline on a fire, which kinda makes sense since I was drinking the stuff like water and this infection traveled so fast.

and yes, I'm eating yogurt (even though I dont' really like the stuff) and taking probiotics. last thing I need right now is another infection.