

I'm in a wheelchair due to having a neuro-muscular disorder. I have a slight incontinence problem, heavy periods, further exaberrated by severe lower back pain. I have been urged by my doctor to have a hysterctomy and bladder-tuck to make things "easier". This seems pretty extreme to me. Im wondering if postural changes like you reccommend would be helpful or harmful? I'm 48 and never had any kids...

Welcome Megan!

I'm honored that you joined us and want to speak to your situation, but feel very unequipped to do so. There are many factors involved that I am unfamiliar with and therefore not qualified to assess. I can only offer a few ideas.

You are at the age for heavy periods and menstrual flooding, but at least can be assured that the days of estrogen overload are numbered! You don't mention how much you are affected by the "slight" incontinence. If it's just periodically when you sneeze or cough, so what?

Although often sold as a remedy for low back pain, hysterectomy causes extreme damage to the lumbo-sacro-hip region and often results in chronic, severe pain to the buttock, pubic bone, and thighs. I do not know if or how this would differ for you, since you are not transferring the superincumbent weight of your torso back and forth by-way-of your pelvis. The "bladder tuck" is a procedure that often results in voiding difficulties including urgency, diminished bladder capacity, and straining to void.

I would like to suggest that you sit straight, but not rigid, while elongating your head/neck by slightly tucking your chin and keeping your shoulders down. Place a small pillow or rolled towel at your lumbar spine. This may be difficult for the first few weeks, but my guess is that you will strengthen your lower back muscles while significantly reducing your pain. Have you ever tried a program of breath work, such as the yogic practice of pranayam?

Please keep us posted!

Wishing you well,
