When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
If you are already a registered user you may now log in and post. If you have lost your password, just click the request new password tab and follow the directions.
Please review and agree to the disclaimer and the forum rules. Our moderators will remove any posts that are promotional or otherwise fail to meet our guidelines and will block repeat offenders.
Remember, the forum is here for two reasons. First, to get your questions answered by other women who have knowledge and experience to share. Second, it is the place to share your results and successes. Your stories will help other women learn that Whole Woman is what they need.
Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
March 3, 2004 - 3:58pm
RE: A Whole Approach
If I could add anything to such a beautiful message I would...
March 3, 2004 - 5:34am
RE: A Whole Approach
omy, Karens, we certainly think the same. I didn't want to admit actually that I have taken this 'Whole Woman' thing to the max and even began work on my sorry fingernails this week. How to wait so long & be jolted into realizing that I must cherish this ole self once again & care for it in the way it so deserves. And in so doing, I'm on another level of thinking about my womb that birthed 4 beautiful babies (all over 30 now):7 I focus on it (how silly I thought in the beginning) & think on its position & on keeping right in there where it belongs. what a journey ... KB
March 5, 2004 - 2:37pm
RE: A Whole Approach
Hi KB,
Please know how much I support you in your WW commitment...even though the tidy fingernails are pretty radical! (HA!)
I can't express how it warms my heart to hear women respond to the work. It's like a body-knowledge that is deeper than the rational mind. As Karen says, there is so much yet to do to turn the tide.
April 13, 2004 - 9:46am
RE: A Whole Approach
Dear Karen
I have left you a message under my first posting 'Sporty and Depressed' about your Mayan womb massage question.
Here I would like to raise comment on your point of how we change the minds of our daughters about modern birthing choices. There are too many choices. Some people might say if I had a ceserean birth for my last child I would not be in this state. Well I wouldn't have done it any other way than I did regardless of what others think about mechanical birth.
My first birth was mid cavity forceps delivery with episiotomy and epidural.
I had no or very little moral support and had no ante-natal preparation.
My second birth was induced in hospital after waiting 3 weeks for a home birth and I had a normal vaginal delivery after a 24 hour labour but had gas and air in the last 3 hours and a drug to strengthen contractions at the end. I was MADE to push her out.
I had a lot of support which helped me to refrain from using drugs even though it was continually offered to me.
My third birth was completely intervention free with absolutely no pain relief and was at home. I had a birthing pool, knew my options and choices and took complete responsibility for the safe passage of my child into the world.
I had a lot of support and A MOST EXCELLENT MIDWIFE with 30 years experience whom I HIRED.
You see the difference here the last time? Information, support, knowledge, experience and a willingness to take responsibility. Most important of all I had faith. These were the factors that led me to the final (perfect) natural birth.
All three births were hard but the last one has left me with the best feeling in the whole world, even if it was the turning point for my pelvic floor and NOTHING can ever take that experience away from me. I really did feel like a whole woman. I DID IT.
How can you explain that to your daughters - how will I explain it to mine. I don't know - but if I can help them gain information, support, knowledge, a sense of responsibility and faith in themselves as women through my experiences then it is everything that I can do. The rest will be up to them.
Tracey x