New here. Advice on posture


I'm 8 weeks PP. Had a episiotomy I wasn't told about till after the birth. Guess it had to be done. Hospital was too busy to care 4 me in labour and when they did bother to check they found baby was sufficating. She only has very minor brain damage guess it could of been much worse if not for the forceps delivery.

Anyway seem to have a rectocele. I have bowel trouble and now use laxitive everyday. I have the buldge but it has improved. Instead of always being there its now great in the morning, high n small and by night time its big and low. I've been trying the posture as much as possible but often get back aches. Feels like it's in the muscles like my back has to get stronger. Is this common? All my life I was told to pull my tummy in and tuck my tail under. Now trying to do the opisite is hard. When I use a mirror and do this I see my bulge go higher and smaller, it's amazing. My doc says I'm fine inside just streched but I look so much better lieing down which is how she's checked me.

I'm really hoping this can continue to improve is it likely? The bulge has gotten smaller in the last month.

thanks 4 listening anyways


Hi Dawn

Welcome. It's not nice when emergencies happen during labour. I guess you'll do it differently next time.

It will be maybe a year until your body returns to normal after childbirth so don't expect miracles immediately. You have rightly noted that it is improving already.

Re the posture, I have been doing Wholewoman posture for three years now and until recently had bad lower back pain all the time. I would go have a massage and it would be OK for a few days then come back. This is the latest form of the back pain I always seem to have.

I have recently started learning Feldenkrais Method. I have been surprised how much difference it is making. I have had a suspicion for some time that there was something wrong with the way I move, and have been learning to use all the muscles in my pelvis, rather than back muscles and abdominal muscles when moving, lifting, dancing etc. I think I was just using the back and abdominals too much and the back muscles would literally lock up to try and protect some ragged lumbar discs. By overwriting my old ways in my brain, of moving, with new ways which include a heap of other muscles, hopefully I will be able to take some of the hard work away from the back muscles so they can relax and not give me pain.

It has taken me years to get to this point where I can see that I have learnt some weird ways of moving as a result of injuries and things, and just needed to learn to move my body all over again. It is crazy, but seems to be working. Have a think about this as a possible cause.

I know when I first learnt WW posture Christine was putting more emphasis on lifting the tailbone to tip the pelvis forward, which I did with my back muscles. It worked for alleviating prolapse symptoms, but the result was back pain. Now Christine is placing more emphasis on lifting the chest, keeping the shoulders low, the neck long and the chin slightly tucked in. It is a really tall, regal posture.

Keep trying.


welcome and congrats on the new baby
8 weeks is realllly early and that youre already seeing some improvement is very encouraging.
make sure you take some time to rest also. I don't mean to give up on being active and hang out in bed all day, but if you notice the prolape is so much worse at the end of the day, perhaps you could do with a few minutes of rest here and there throughout the day. like I said, 8 weeks is still realllly early.

about the posture, when I started with it I had an achy back too. and when I got back to the posture after having my baby, my back was achy all over again. pg does a number on your spine.

I'm sorry you and your baby had a rough time with the delivery. I hope all continues to improve for you both

I was concentrating on tipping my pelvis the most. Will try work on doing the whole posture not just the bottom half. thanks 4 the advice. I know I have been doing too much during the day. It's hard not to with 2 children. I'm working harder on doing less and have noticted a big improvement even just in the last cpl of days.