A Surprise!


My best friend, age 66, discovered a bladder prolapse a few weeks ago and told "our doctor." Our doctor sent her to a gyn. We talked a lot about what this "guy" would probably do and not do, and we also talked about the flight plan and how quickly she could get out of his office once he started talking about cut and paste. We were very depressed yesterday figuring this would be another huge battle.

Surprisingly, he said she should do exactly what she is doing - nothing. Just leave it alone or she could do some real damage. That's what surgery does, he said - a whole lot of damage. He said that bladder surgery often causes incontinence and pain.

He was interested in her developing a lot of core strength with yoga, and he never mentioned kegals. He asked her if she were active, and she said yes, she still works 24/7, and he said, "Then you don't want a pesary; it will drive you crazy.

Just a report from the middle of nowhere, USA.


Hi Judy

It is nice to hear this sort of thing coming back. It just shows how important it is for us to stick our vulnerable necks out when we are in the surgery and give them information about Wholewoman, not only for their benefit, but for the benefit of all the other women who go to this doctor in the future. Unless the doctors know there is a different approach from what they learned in medical school they cannot change their own thinking.

If one woman tells them about Wholewoman they will have heard the word "Wholewoman" once, and may prick their ears up next time a woman mentions it.

If a second woman tells them they may listen to what Wholewoman's approach is all about.

If a third woman tells them about Wholewoman they may think, "Why are these women so enthusiastic about this Wholewoman thing?"

If a fourth woman tells them about Wholewoman they may take active steps to find out more about it and start recommending it to all women, at least as a first option.

Some doctors learn much quicker than this scenario as your story illustrates. They have been to Uni. ;-)

Some doctors are just plain thick, very good at remembering the labels on an anatomy diagram, but ... They have been to Uni too. ;-)

And of course there are all the others in the middle who have to be prodded to learn new stuff, just like the rest of us.

If no women tell this doctor about Wholewoman, he will never find out and his future patients will be condemned to the old surgical model until he stops working.

So get the word out, for the benefit of all whole women!!

