Question about yoga


Is there anything wrong prolapse-wise with the poses that have you face down on the ground with your head and legs lifted? (Sorry I am so new to yoga, I don't know the names of the poses yet.)


That's called cobra. It's very hard on the bladder. If you have a really tough developed core, you can do it IF you pull up while you are doing it. I prefer to do just the head lift, and do a super kegal.

Other poses I won't do are tree and camel. I find them hard on the bladder because I find myself pushing down and that's not "a good" for my insides! Remember when you pose, draw up NOT IN and hold that while you are going into, staying in, and coming out of your pose.

Boat pose is also a trouble pose. I do this one because it's not hard for me to pull up during it.

Anything you do, like chair, needs to be done to protect and your bladder and strengthen your core - that's what it's all about. Yoga makes the day "lighter" and easier for me. I know now yoga won't cure anything, but it helps me feel good and it does strengthen my body.

Any comments, Christine?

Remember to BREATHE -- long deep breaths.

Change what you can change; be happy with what you cannot.

I do want to comment here, Judy, but it's going to take a bit of time and perhaps an illustration or two. Give me a few days to work it into my schedule. :-)