Mayan Massage


Here to report my recent experience with Mayan massage. I have a class 2 cystocele and a small rectocele. The Mayan technique is similar to the t-tap method I saw mentioned in an earlier post. I went last week and the practitioner was very good. She allowed my husband to attend the massage and to learn the method along with me.

We were down for one and one half hour massage and were there almost three. She also discovered that my hip joint and sacrum were misaligned and worked on that as well. I had noticed over the years that my right leg was longer--she actually realigned it with massage and showed my husband what to do to keep it that way. She told me it would take up to 3 months to see improvement with my cystocele. All in all, it was a very pleasant experience.

I told her about the Whole Woman site, and she was very interested and said she intended to look it up.

What a great idea. During the massage teach a third person how to do the specific moves for continued care.
