


Thank you for thinking of my little girl. I spent another few hours at hospital with her today but am hoping she is coming out the other side now. She has a viral infection which is causing her to have to make an effort to breath and it has been quite frightening. We are home again and she is quite lively at the moment and I am desperately trying to get her to sleep.

It seems though that the last few days of constant worry were not enough and I feel I have another urinary infection this evening. I was doing o.k. symptom wise but having spent so much time back and forth at the hospital and doctors office I have neglected myself and have hardly eaten or drunk anything. After finally going to the toilet this evening after having not been since this morning I am extremely uncomfortable and my bladder hurts and I have had to pay numerous visits to the toilet since. Another reminder of life with prolapse! I have neglected the posture as well as sitting in hospitals on hard chairs all day long is not easy. I am feeling panicky again about this whole situation. Damn it!

I am sorry to hear of your troubles with your mother. It must be hard and is another thing you do not need to add to your list of worries. But you also say you are feeling clearer and have unraveled and I hope you continue to do so.

I am glad we can be here for one another - I certainly need something to keep me sane!

Sorry if this post is a bit all over the place but I am exhausted. It has been a long couple of days.


I am so sorry that you are going though so much right now. I know how emotionally and physically exhausted you must be. The UTI troubles on top of everything must seem like just too much. I know how horrible that is, I am intimately aquainted with that pain.

On the bright side, I am so glad your little one is feeling better. Hopefully, you will be able to rest your nerves a bit as you see her improve. Hugs and comfort to you. Kit

Oh dear misery on top of misery. Misery squared !

Since I'm so opinionated today I'll declare that I think all of us should drink a daily ration or two of pure cranberry juice - none of that cocktail mixed with sweet stuff - but 100% and diluted with plenty of water of course. The other thing is avoid much orange or grapefruit if you tend towards UTI ,I guess it makes us more acid. For some reason Lemon does the opposite.

I have noticed I am NOT drinking enough as it just seems to increase my discomfort on the one hand but certainly dehydration isn't helping my head space any and I think there is a strong connection between drinking pure water and our emotional "equilibrium". I know this sounds nutty, but I notice the more I drink the more in touch I am with my "emotional" body, it seems.. and when I am repressing my feelings I resist the cure ? Does this make any sense ? Or are you wondering how much of a new age flake I just might be ?

I am half-heartedly looking at ways to escape, drank a glass too many of wine last night. I am going to have to find something loud and dramatic - like maybe Skydiving to distract me from this cursed sensation. Which has also led me to musing over a topical anaesthetant (sp? ohmy) not to be used constantly but for special occasions like when you just want to not feel it. I doubt there's anything on the market - hey ! maybe in the sex toystore ? Never been - too squeamish. Another full circle. Next I'll be getting a sex change. It sounds like babbling when my mind wanders like it seems to lately, but I feel like I'm coming apart at the seams. A strong statement from a seamstress. I think I'm slightly delirious.
Take care of yourself dear, and don't hesitate to see the doc. UTI's can get serious.Hugs.

Hi Anita

Oh dear, you poor darling. It never rains but it pours, and UTI's often seem to be attracted to times when other calamities are happening.

You may be right about not paying enough attention to your own wellbeing, but you just gotta do what you gotta do sometimes and put up with the consequences.

I would be just throwing whatever I could at it and hoping that either one thing will work, or a few different factors will work enough so that the combined effect is recovery.

There is the pain to deal with. How about teething gel? That's designed to numb mucous membranes.

There is the frequency to manage. Stay near toilets.

There is the urgency to deal with. If you have an accident sometimes, it is not the end of the world. It will only be a little one, not a flood, cos you only went 10 minutes ago. Wear pantyliners, and keep changing your knickers or pad when damp, so you stay relatively dry down there.

Starving these germs of sugar might also be helpful, so stick to whole grains, go easy on the fruit, but plenty of veges that are not too sweet. This means unsweetened cranberry.


I had persistent thrush until a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes there seems to be a tieup between thrush and UTI. Maybe when those good bacteria decrease the bad bacteria *and* thrush can thrive more easily. It is all inflammation, after all. You might be going along OK until a couple of days of not drinking enough, then the UTI will strike. I have now taken up sugar and refined grains again, but have radically decreased sugars. Until I gave them up for a week or so I didn't realise how sugar-laden my diet was.

When you get better, try going without knickers as much as possible to allow your vulva to dry out. It also means that any E coli soiling from your knickers doesn't transfer to your urethral opening (no doubt you were doing a lot of getting up and sitting down with your daughter sick, so the crotch of your knickers was probably moving backwards and forwards a lot), which is probably closer to your knickers than it was a few years back. Half slips do just about as well as knickers for keeping secretions away from clothing. Synthetics have a use here as outer clothing slips over it very well, so the slip will not bunch up.

Keeping your pubic hair longish may also help create a bit more of a barrier between knickers and urethral opening.

Hope these suggestions are helpful

Rest up. You are sick. Your body needs the rest right now. It will pass, once you get the antibiotics underway. Take care my dear.

