prolapse and exercise machines


Dear Christine,
I was wondering if the exercise routine that the Curves franchise provides is damaging for a prolapsed uterus. I have been going for a year and have found that stength training was the big piece of exercising I had been missing. I have been very successful at losing the inches and building the muscle. However, during the course of the year, I went from not presenting a prolapse to being about a 1.5 level symptomless prolapse. However, I was also doing lots of yardwork lifting, moving a piano and other heavy moving because I was much stronger.
Since Curves is so popular and 11% of women have a prolaspe condition, I thought my question might apply to alot of women. I was wondering if there are any machines that should be avoided if you have a uterine prolapse.

Welcome, IAW,

I need to familiarize myself with Curves. I suggest you begin the posture. It's the every day, every hour shape of the body we need to concern ourselves with. The only exercise I believe to be harmful are ones that place us in the "boat" or crunch position where we are on our back and both our head/shoulders and legs are lifted off the floor. This sends tremendous energy to an area that is compromised for many of us.

Wishing you well,


>Dear Christine,
>I was wondering if the exercise routine that the Curves
>franchise provides is damaging for a prolapsed uterus. I
>have been going for a year and have found that stength
>training was the big piece of exercising I had been missing.
>I have been very successful at losing the inches and
>building the muscle. However, during the course of the year,
>I went from not presenting a prolapse to being about a 1.5
>level symptomless prolapse. However, I was also doing lots
>of yardwork lifting, moving a piano and other heavy moving
>because I was much stronger.
>Since Curves is so popular and 11% of women have a prolaspe
>condition, I thought my question might apply to alot of
>women. I was wondering if there are any machines that
>should be avoided if you have a uterine prolapse.

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