Can you believe this??????


I have only been on this board for such a short time. Have been diagnosed with 2 prolapses and a 'yummy' fistula (recently) but in all of might say "wow, sucks to be you".

Oh and can I add that I am 42 with my 1st child of 5 months and ohhhhhhh how absolutely in love I am with him......I mentioned last night that......
"I could have another one".
My DH looked at me like I was on crack. With all the emotions, trauma, upsets, health concerns of late and here I am still thinking....more???
I said it.

No at my age perhaps not a good idea. For my prolapses again probably not a good idea ( at my age) but the fact that I considered it and spoke it, a real I think, healing moment!
I have 3 amazing girlfriends but I cannot tell them this. I can only tell you. Because you can understand exactly where I am coming from.

So for the 'newbies' that are reading this...I can tell can move on and do. I did and if you asked me 3 months ago if I could I would say "absolutely not".

Reading posts like yours gives the rest of us hope for the future, strength to deal with this today, and knowledge that we have a safe haven...because we have each other here.

that was quick!
It took me so much longer to reach that place, I am so happy for you that youre feeling that way.
are you gonna start trying for another one???

OOOOOOH how I love babies


Hi Sheppie

You know, I wonder if doctors are actually more scared of prolapse and fistula than we are, maybe because the only response they can muster is to fight it with surgical procedures that are far from satisfactory? And they know it!

Hmm, contemplating another pregnancy at the age of 42/43 is not perhaps what most ob/gynos would recommend, but has been done by millions of women over recorded history, particularly before vasectomies and reasonably reliable contraception came along. I can see why not, as long as your body will do the job satisfactorily, and you a prepared for some of the challenges and risks that an older woman takes in having a pregnancy later in life.

I think they see life through their professional and risk-ridden glasses, and are genuinely scared of being responsible for management of both prolapses and pregnancy in an older woman. No doubt your doctor will inform you of the risks (and may indeed refer you on to another OB)!

Women like Granolamom, who have pregnancy and birth with existing prolapse, and other women who have given birth in their forties may give you either the encouragement or discouragement you need to make this decision with your partner.



How wonderful to hear this! How is the fistula doing? I'm so hopeful it will correct on its own. I just love these healing stories and, like you, hope the newbies are tuned-in. Hugs!! Christine

I have to get checked yet but doing my own feeling around and Internet searching I feel I may have a fistula on my bladder. A full hole is not there but the bladder itself I can feel a hollow hole just inside the thin skin on the outside. Did you ever heal your fistula? I have been reading only surgery can fix it or close it and I already told myself I will never have rectocele or cyctocele surgery and I would like to heal myself when it comes to a fistula as well.

Hi Empty - best to get it checked out and let us know what the doctor says. Pretty hard to self-diagnose something like that. Good luck - Surviving