Poo Questions


Does anybody have suggestions to make it a clean and easy time?? What does everyone do to make sure you have a completely finished poo? It seems like if I eat enough fiber, water, etc. that it justs get too soft and it's hard to "finish". What are you all doing about it??

This is frustrating isn't it? This is one area I have been having trouble with for weeks and weeks. Everybody seems to eventually find the thing that works for them but I have yet to find it. There are soooo many suggestions and advice on this forum and I am slowly making my way through them all.

Increase fibre
Drink plenty of water
Flax Seed
Fresh fruit
Fresh Vegetables
Psyllium Husk
Twisting to the right when on the toilet
Peppermint tea
Green tea

This list goes on. My mum swears by a handful of nuts before she goes to bed.

I hope you have better luck than I am having. Let me know how you get one and if you find the answer.


i have the same problem and have never found anything that works. something that would make it slide right out would be beneficial....a nice thought I know!

I have this problem as well. this week when looking for answers I saw one place that said lean forward & grab ur ankles when u are trying to go. I've tried it twice so far and it's worked. Just hope I can keep it up. I got some flaxseeds this week and are trying that as well. Are they ok when ur breastfeeding? Seems to be ok just not when preggo. Also pears n pear juice is good.

I have IBS/constipation and have had a very tough year with it.
ATS had a very good list of foods in her post that help bring it. I will add a couple more do's and then some dont's:

- Peas
- I find cooked veggies are easier to digest then raw
- Exercise helps keep things moving
- Keeping your anxiety in check (my big issue)
- Fruit (apples, warm prune juice, raisens, grapes)


- Cheese
- Chocolate
- Eggs
- Protein Bars

I have been ending my day with a cup of tea and am also trying to start my day with one as well. I read something about warm/hot beverages starting the process. Truthfully, I don't like tea, but I think it is helping.

Hope this helps!

- Lilly Anne

I sympathize with you! I have been suffering for 8 years. I have been to doctors and specialists. I had a surgery last January for a rectocele where they removed 13" of my bowel, only for it to recur again. Now I have what is called an anterior rectocele & enterocele. I am seeing another specialist in December who is going to be doing what is called a prolift on my in the new year.
To get by, I am drinking a tea called Body Balance Dieter Tea put out by Lee. It is an all natural beverage with no additives and it works. It softens the stool so it can slide by those darn prolapses. You have to experiment with it to find out how much you should drink. I started out with a cup full at night before I go to bed. Sometimes I find that it too much and it makes me too loose, so I cut back. It depends on what you have eaten too. My girlfriend and 2 other people I know who have terrible problems also swear by this tea. It is a staple in all of our lives.
Try it and let me know if it works for you.

Well, I bought some yesterday and figured I'd give it a try. Well, this morning, it was an okay bathroom visit. No awful "unfinished" feeling for once. I'm not sure if it was the soymilk or not, but I hope so. I bought the Organic Valley Vanilla flavor. It actually tastes pretty good too!