Pregnancy Update


Hi, I just wanted to touch base on how my pregnancy is going. I am now at 13 weeks, so nearly through the first trimester. My prolapse is a little lower than before but the uterus seems to have moved back up a bit in the last week (which I understand it does at around 12 weeks.)

Everything's going well. I got the prenatal cradle (V2 supporter) and I wish I'd known about how great it is after my first baby. I've been able to continue exercising and going on walks with no discomfort at all. It's been just wonderful.

I'm trying to fight off a bit of a UTI at the moment. Does anyone know of any natural solutions besides eating yoghurt with active cultures and bicarb drinks? I might have to go to the docs if I can't clear it up.

I hope that's encouraging to other women. I'm not feeling any worse than after I had my first bub and have been a little better this last week or so.

Will keep you all posted.

so glad to hear all is going well. I had the mini prenatal cradle and yes, it was fantastic!

re: the uti, I think the yogurt thing is more for warding off yeast. for uti I think you'd want to get cranberry juice (unsweetened), drink lots of pure water, avoid sugar. but really, if it doesn't clear up soon, see your dr before it travels upwards. an untreated uti is never a good thing, moreso during pg.

Hi Mum...glad to hear you are progressing so nicely. I will only add a reminder to be sure to empty your bladder completely twice a day if you are feeling symptomatic. You can do this by getting down on all fours in the shower or bathtub and peeing. It's amazing how well it works! (((hugs))) Christine

I just wanted to let you know my sister went to a specialist for her chronic uti and he said the worst thing you can do (despite what people think) is drink cranberry juice or anything acidic. He said to have some apple juice with baking soda in it. Once she stopped the pure cranberry juice it got better.

Thanks Granolamom and mommynow for your advice and idea. It's always been recommended to me too to have cranberry juice. It's interesting that you've been advised against it mommynow. I think I'll stick to the bicarb for now. It seems to be okay today. I'd definitely go to the docs if I got a UTI, just I can sometimes head it off myself if I'm vigilant with liquids etc early on.

Thanks Christine for the advice on full bladder emptying. I do have a bit of trouble with that so I'll definitely do that a couple of times each day.

Hi Momwithone

There is also a product called Ural which is a urinary alkaliser, which is supposed to improve symptoms while you are getting over it, though it won't actually fix an existing UTI (I've tried that!). It makes the urine, and therefore the environment inside the bladder and urethra more alkaline, which the UTI bacteria don't like. I *think* it is probably just based on bicarb, but it not really horrible to drink (It is fizzy). It comes with good instructions too, so you don't get your doses wrong.



Hi Louise,

Yes, Ural is the stuff I usually take., thanks Louise. It works well for me if I get onto it quick enough. I'll grab some more and get onto that - it's been so long since I had a UTI I'd almost forgotten all about them!