bowl habits.....and food


I know there is always talk of constipation here- I have never had this challenge- but I would like to report something interesting that happened to me.....interesting if you think talking about $hi% is interesting-lol

since first finding my rectocele and finding this site I have made an effort to eat foods that moved quickly through my system. It has been a process to find just the right combo of foods but for the most part I am pretty happy with the in not having to wipe over and over, not having to excessively push, not having small dry pellets and not going every few days.

so recently I went too far to the extreme and had a few days of going 4 times a day- thin soft bits- so I backed off the fiber (and the magnesium and vita C and ate some foods I knew would "help". Here is what happened. I didn't go for 2 days-which didn't worry me at all-then I had the most uncomfortable morning since about 6 weeks postpartum for my parenieum. I was in the kitchen on my feet for a few hours and had to lie down the pressure was so intense. Just this really heavy sensation. But no urge to go- and I was not about to force it. Finally in the afternoon I passed a heavy bunch of waste.

I was not constipated. It was just so dense.

I share this not because I am nuts- but to let some of you know that even if you are not constipated- and even if you are passing long- soft stool it can still be a problem and cause pain if the foods you are eating don't have quick enough transit time and instead sits and piles up for a few days.

It's so soft that you can't get the last bit out!!!! It makes the rectocele feel so bad for the the rest of the day and it sucks! I have been watching out for everything made of wheat lately and it has helped in an unbelievable way. I have been reading about Celiac disease.

Hi Alemama,

You are so right. I think sometimes we don't always realize or think about what we are putting in our mouth. My parents always said, "what goes in - must come out". I've never had to deal with a lot of constipation (except for having bowel paralysis while on chemo -unbelievable!!!), but I occasionally do eat something that slows it down. A lot of people think, even members of the medical profession, that a bowel movement once a week is ok or whatever number from once a day to once a week is ok. As far back as I can remember being told or having read, we should have bm's 3 times a day - after each meal - this is if our bodies are working correctly. All you new mothers know the baby fills his/her diaper pretty quickly after being fed. Watch your dogs, they go pretty soon after being fed every meal, too. This is natural - the way it is supposed to be.

The different foods available causes us to have not so great bm's, especially the processed foods, wheat or dairy, sometimes even something we are allergic to. There is a program on the BBC channel called "You are what you eat". The show targets overweight people, but the information the nutritionist on there gives out is invaluable to us all. She also talks about their poo and what they need to be eating to straighten up their bowels. Very interesting and informative.

Take care,
Grandma Joy