When I first “cracked the code” on stabilizing and reversing prolapse, and wrote and published Saving the Whole Woman, I set up this forum. While I had finally gotten my own severe uterine prolapse under control with the knowledge I had gained, I didn’t actually know if I could teach other women to do for themselves what I had done for my condition.
So I just started teaching women on this forum. Within weeks, the women started writing back, “It’s working! I can feel the difference!”
From that moment on, the forum became the hub of the Whole Woman Community. Unfortunately, spammers also discovered the forum, along with the thousands of women we had been helping. The level of spamming became so intolerable and time-consuming, we regretfully took the forum down.
Technology never sleeps, however, and we have better tools today for controlling spam than we did just a few years ago. So I am very excited and pleased to bring the forum back online.
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Whether you’re an old friend or a new acquaintance, welcome! The Whole Woman forum is a place where you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of thousands of women around the world!
Best wishes,
Christine Kent
Whole Woman
January 21, 2008 - 11:45am
Ah, the rectocele....
It was only once my rectocele showed up that I actually got some relief. I also completely freaked out when it came. Felt like everything was just falling apart no matter how much I tried. But, believe it or not it was almost like my body needed to completely "fall" in to place because it was just constantly moving until it just stopped with the rectocele.
So, don't feel worse. I basically just figured it was part of the process, "nature's pessary" right??!
I recently caught my kids flu and had bad diarrhea and thought oh no, everything was all swollen felt like something ripped down there. But, I watched how I ate and it's the same as it was before I ever got sick. It healed.
January 21, 2008 - 11:49am
Something I have just
Something I have just thought of - Christine if you read this - when a woman sustains quite a lot of damage to the back wall and perineal area is she destined to have a SEVERE retocele? I.e. those of us who had say 3rd or 4th degree tears and an episiotomy.
This may not be a question that can be answered and perhaps every woman is different but I can't help but feel due to all the damage I had that my life could be pretty miserable if this continues to progress and then incontinence starts as well.
Maybe any ladies that sustained a lot of trauma to the back wall during childbirth and have been living with this a lot longer than I have could help me here.
I am still in shock that this is actually happening to me.
January 21, 2008 - 12:00pm
Thank you ...
... mom30 - I am so disheartened once again by all this. Like you said you work so hard and try to move so carefully to prevent further damage but it just happens anyway. It feels awful both symptom wise and to the touch. My head is pounding from all the crying and worry about this again. I just want to be able to live with this comfortably without all this upset but so far it is really testing my strength.
My bottom area has been feeling heavier and heavier lately so I should have know it was coming but you just kind of tell your self "no, not me".
I keep thinking my back wall was do damaged during birth and in the hands of the medical profession that I don't stand a chance of stabilisation.
Taking deep breaths.
January 21, 2008 - 2:21pm
I am so sorry
that you are feeling the way you are right now. I'm so new to this, but I feel like I want to personally hug everyone here.
I have to wonder if having two large babies (8 lb. 11 oz.) and (10 lb. 10 1/4 oz.) has contributed some to my problem. I had episiotomies both times, but I feel I am fortunate that they were both small. But all the stretching inside I had from the two babies . . . I don't know what that might have done. I did have vaginal deliveries with both of them, fairly uncomplicated. I did have to push for two hours with my ten pounder.
It just seems unfair that our "plumbing" all seems destined to malfunction. I feel somewhat resentful that all men really have to worry about is their prostate (and I'm not downplaying the seriousness of prostate problems) but we've got breasts, uteri, cervixes, ovaries, vaginas, bladders, etc., and they ALL can malfunction.
I just feel so much like "not a woman" right now but instead a mass of "female problems." I have never felt less sexy or feminine in my life. I just feel like an old, old lady walking around with everyone looking at me feeling sorry for that poor old unattractive woman. My body parts have become objects to me and unfortunately, they seem to be objects aligned against me. I just do NOT FEEL WHOLE.
January 21, 2008 - 3:08pm
(((Hugs mytfly2day)))
This is so very very hard to deal with and I know posts like mine don't make it any easier but sometimes you just got to reach out for help.
I have thought soo many times over the last months all the things we as women have to go through. I said right from the beginning I wish men could have babies as I wasn't looking forward to being pregnant and I didn't enjoy it. Sickness, breathlessness feeling like my lungs were being squashed, constipation, haemorrhoids and then the birth (don't even get me started there). Then when that was all done and my son had arrived safe and sound I was left with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, stress incontinence, perineal pain, bowel urgency and feeling like my body had been destroyed. During the first 6 months after he was born my bowels sorted themselves out but the others have been a continual problem. It took a lot of courage for me to decide to have another although I opted for a c-section to "prevent any further damage!". How foolish was I - the damage was already done and prolapse was obviously inevitable.
I never really took any notice of my vagina before babies but since babies it has become my enemy. My body has let me down in a big way.
I don't like feeling like this and I so want to reach a point of being O.K. with this.
Thank you for posting - it helps to talk.
January 21, 2008 - 3:28pm
me, too!
I feel guilty from time to time that I so DID NOT enjoy pregnancy (although I absolutely adored having the babies arrive!). As you said, sick as a dog most of the time, got HUGE, both my babies kept one foot wedged tightly right underneath my right ribcage (I could actually poke it and they would move it for a minute then go right back! And they were 7 years apart!!!), I developed the 'roids, etc. My first labor and delivery was awful, I was in labor 17 hours, the epidural I had only took on ONE SIDE and at one point I decided I was dying and stopped pushing. Had mean nurses who were hateful to me. I remember lying on the delivery table crying. I had had a stomach virus a day or so ago and right after the birth I started having uncontrollable diarrhea. It was awful. No bathroom in my hospital room so had to inch down to the bathroom with ca ca running down everywhere. Second birth was much easier - in labor only 6 hours even though he was so big - had a midwife with me, still had an epidural but it worked that time, and recuperated faster. However, the epidural slowed my labor down, that's why I had to push the two hours, and my son ended up with fluid in his lungs. Scary. I did experience a scary inability to lift one of my legs for a few weeks - when I'd get in the tub I'd actually have to lift my leg up with my hands and put it over - again, they don't tell you these things about epidurals. Forceps were used during both my deliveries and I can't imagine what kind of damage THEY do.
I thought my body had pretty much gone back to normal - except for the weight which never all quite went away and I am heavier now than I ever have been. @:( The roids bother me from time to time but I've learned to deal with them.
Then, the nightmare period bleeding/clots a few months ago - now this - 6 months ago I was just fine - WHAT HAPPENED??? Why don't they tell us all this stuff can go wrong?
How old are you, if you don't mind my asking? I got to thinking today, I hope to live a long and full life - but will my bladder make it along with me????
It does help to talk - it makes it not quite so scary when you know you're not alone.
January 21, 2008 - 3:52pm
Great Shape!
Perhaps it's time to focus on you positively! Perhaps it's time for you to shop for the body you really desire and then GO FOR IT! I am sure that if you get yourself in the best physical condition you can through the dreaded exercise you will have this new body, and it will be easier for you to handle all of this! It's not a pipe dream; it's a real positive goal and we have lots of time before bathing suit time to get you there!
It's a matter of having something to fight for rather then something to fight against! Plan, do and review, as they say. Set a series of goals and go for it. it might take your mind of the bulges and the bumps and put your mind on something you will just love - a new body!
If you don't know where to start, we can all help; we'll make you our project.
Deep breath, cup of green tea, pad and pencil, calendar, and then open your shades, curtains, blinds, whatever, and let the sunshine in. Then, stand in posture and take ten really deep breaths and let them out really slowly.
Love you sweetheart,
January 21, 2008 - 3:54pm
Of course I do not mind you
Of course I do not mind you asking. I'm 36, I had my son when I was 30 and then my daugher 19 months ago.
I have suffred with heavy periods since having children too and like you 6/7 months ago I was fine and then my cervix decided to pop down to say hello. Thank goodness that has gone back up a bit and has stayed put for the time being but my back wall was fine when all this first happend but over the last couple of weeks it really has deteriorated.
The roids have been and ongoing problem since baby #1. I did have them injected which worked a treat but they came back again when I was pregnant with baby #2 and I am suffering with a bad one at the moment (well either that or a tear I am not sure which but it HURTS!).
There are so so many things about childbirth that I found really yucky and life changing and no they do not tell us anything about that stuff.
There is a well known family in the States that have had 17 children isn't there, she must have prolapse issues after that many children and yet she still keeps having them - not to mention all the other stuff. Either that or she has an amazing body that just heals itself.
I try not to think about how long my bladder, bowels and uterus will last as they have certainly aged an awful lot recently. It overwhelms me to think I may have another 50 years on this earth with this body and I hate to think what state it will be in by then or even in a years time.
January 21, 2008 - 4:15pm
Your such a sweetie.
I don't know where I would be without this forum, I really don't.
Its just gone 10 o'clock here in England and I have just put my daughter to bed, finally! I have worn myself out with the crying and am going to crash in bed myself now and hope that tomorrow looks brighter.
I will get back to you, I promise, when I have a clearer head but no I don't know where to start for fear of everything "down there". I am afraid to move.
Thank you so much for your message.
Love to you to.
January 21, 2008 - 7:06pm
ATS I just wanted to let you
ATS I just wanted to let you know that when I started the posture before this baby my cystocele kept improving and improving and when that happened I felt heavier and heavier in the behind so I guess the rectocele took its place and either wasn't responding to the posture as well or at a slower rate. It is possible that that is what is happening in your case. I think my rectocele was already there but didn't appear at first because the bladder was pushing against it so much. After this birth my cystocele is much worse so I am not feeling the rectocele as much. If it isn't one it's the other!
January 22, 2008 - 6:12am
how you feeling now?
been worried about you, i hope you feel a little better today, sometimes a good sleep can clear your head a bit, anyway just hope your feeling better today,thinking of you, ron
January 22, 2008 - 6:37am
Hello Ron
Still feeling quite overwhelmed by it all really. I have a constant irritating feeling right at the opening where the prolapse must be sitting and it is really upsetting me - I think it is what you find typically described by other women as a feeling of a slipped tampon or something. Trying hard to pull myself together again and will do the DVD workout and some firebreathing today.
I keep doing Alemama's vacuum thingy but I find it quite tiring as I have to hold my breathe to be able to suck it all up like that. Anyway it just comes straight back down again but it seems to have worked wonders for her so will keep doing it.
Thank you so much for thinking of me.
How are you doing?
January 22, 2008 - 6:49am
its an ok day
im ok today, been running around since early, just put grace in for a nap so having coffee and cookies while im on comp, i cant do anything yet as i am still waiting on book to come, did you get my email about 2nd edition?? i still have sons swimming to do later and its my boyfriends birthday today so gonna be busy til tonight really, just having a half hour of my time:-} is there much on the dvd? wont be able to buy it just yet, but would like to after i get book...
January 22, 2008 - 7:05am
Yes I did get your e-mail - did you not get my reply?
The DVD is Christine explaining POP and the pevic region etc but I haven't watched it all from beginning to end as the kids always disturb me. I do however do the short exercise programme on it. She also explains and demonstrates the posture and moving about on a day to day basis. I like to watch things rather than read them so I like the DVD, I am really hoping she will do some further exercise DVD's in the future with the ballet workout etc on them.
I was really busy on Sunday with my family visiting and usually when busy my POP would become more unnoticeable and by the end of the day it would be fine but since this darn rectocele has emerged I haven't had a single day of comfort and I am getting so frustrated with it.
Enjoy your half hour of me time. I'm hoping to get some later today when Sophie naps.
January 22, 2008 - 7:44am
just read reply
because my friend was signed in on my comp so had to sign back in myself! what was in the whole package, was it the dvd too? sophie is a lovely name, it was my second choice for grace, but she looked like a grace! our girls are around the same age arent they grace is 20/5... hope you get some rest later.
January 22, 2008 - 7:47am
The Whole Pacakage ...
... has the book, DVD, baton and healthy eating plan. Sophie was the only name we had if it was a girl she was born 15/6. My sister's little girl is Grace.
January 22, 2008 - 8:08am
first of all
Sophie is one of my very favorite names, if I had had a third child and it had been a girl, it would have been Sophie! Just a beautiful name.
I don't know if you've ever tried this re: the roids, but I kind of started a routine years ago. When I get an attack - I get blood clots in mine from time to time - I first soak in a hot bath for a bit. Then, I get some cotton balls and soak in witch hazel and use that as a compress for about 20 minutes. It always has helped me tremendously. Also at times I will pack on top of that more cotton soaked in ice water to keep it really cold.
I bet the 17 child woman hasn't got any control over any of her bodily functions anymore, how could she??? I don't think anyone has that kind of muscle tone!
I'm feeling slightly less depressed today. I also still have that irritated feeling of "something there." It's like I could reach in and grab it and pull it out and everything would be fine. Guess I kind of need the bladder, though. @:)
It seems as if I noticed you may be in England; if so, I envy you. I've never travelled outside the States but the one trip I MUST make will be to London. Shooting for my 50th birthday, maybe. I love British history and of all weird things that I MUST see - it's the Tower of London. Depressing, I know, but I find it fascinating. My husband is a huge golfer so Scotland plays into the picture, too. Then, I got to worrying about, with all this going on, will I ever be able to take another vacation and walk around and look at things? @:(
I'm just waiting for the book, reading on this site, going to check into yoga classes (took them a long time ago) and try - really TRY - to lose some weight. Hard not to let this paralyze you, isn't it? It's just too much to deal with. The part of my day that's not focused on my BMs is spent worrying about the POP. Fun, huh?
January 22, 2008 - 8:34am
Its a great DVD - I thought of showing it to my Gynae - But then i thought he might take it off and not give it back! (ARGH)
Even though i cannot do all of the exercises cos of my disability etc - It is very interesting and very informative :-)
I did notice at the shop the other day I bent forwards to get something off a low shelf - I felt when I stood back up that things were a bit better.. Like they had shifted up a lil bit - Cool...
Look into the eyes - They hold the key!
January 22, 2008 - 8:52am
I wanted ...
... something really girly and I just loved the name Sophie, her second name is Rose. I was secretly hoping for a girl and was so excited when I found out that was what I was having. I never stop shopping for clothes for her! Unfortunately now this has happened I worry so much about her future as I NEVER want her to go through this.
My husband wants to book a holiday later in the year and I am really worried about it as I just don't know what I will be like. Our last holiday was when all this stuff started and I was absolutely miserable. We arrived on the Friday and by Saturday morning I felt like I was carrying a bowling ball around. Back then I thought you just go and get it fixed so although miserable I thought there was a cure.
I live just over an hour away from London but I don't visit very often. We keep promising to take our little boy to Hamleys toy store. One day we will do it.
I will try the witch hazel for the roids. I know my mum uses that stuff as well. Sometimes it hurts throughout the day and depending on how I move it can pull sometimes but mostly its just as my bowels start to open and I could leap off the toilet seat! I am still not sure if its a tear or roid but either way it just adds to my misery.
Yep, that feeling of "something there" is most annoying. I can feel it all sitting against my urethra all the time and you explained my typical day in your last sentence!
January 22, 2008 - 8:54am
How are you doing now? Are things feeling any better for you?
January 22, 2008 - 9:59am
Its still there... I can feel it all the time every day - Just a kinda feeling of a finger touching you or something weird, like a dryish feeling maybe...
But it is better than it was at Christmas (marginally)
I am hoping the DVD will help me get it back outta my way and outta my head lol
Look into the eyes - They hold the key!
January 22, 2008 - 10:09am
I do know what you mean - these sensations are hard to describe but I have something similar now and can relate COMPLETELY!
I am hoping that if I do the DVD religiously every day and the firebreathing I can get this thing to go up a bit and move away from the opening. If its not the sensation at the opening is the heavy feeling in my rectum - such fun!
January 22, 2008 - 10:54am
I think the worst part is the fact that it continually reminds you that it is there... If it went away for a few days (Or a year or more like I had before) Then you feel normal again...
I wanna not feel this weirdity again...
Nobody has noticed of late that I am going through anything - After the first week of crying my eyes out continually - I now just keep quiet and have decided to fight this silent fight as all I get from them is 'Get a pessary' I refuse to do that at this time so need to find a way to get through this for like 20yrs or more...
If I can get to 60 (39 at moment) - Then I will more than likely be wheelchair bound anyways so maybe I won't noticed it as much...
Look into the eyes - They hold the key!
January 22, 2008 - 11:25am
Ah Sue
Bless you. I have the same view on pessaries - I am trying to live without one so I can save that for much later.
I keep it all to myself as well (apart from coming here). I had a bloody good cry yesterday though and my husband asked what was wrong! Honestly, I wonder if he plays dumb on purpose.
Lets hang in there and get through these tough times together.
January 22, 2008 - 11:29am
Men don't hafta play
The dumb-ness is a genetic malformity
Dontcha just wish you could slap em stupid on a daily basis until they GET IT
Look into the eyes - They hold the key!
January 23, 2008 - 12:21pm
Bad Dreams
I had an awful dream last night and have been grappling with the
emotional "aftermath". My lovely and Dear H was the worst amalgam of
every man in my life. He was a total prick and then he abandoned me
and left with some woman I can't recall much about... prolly one
of my closest gf's... ha-ha, but true of my first H. Not this one.
Do you guys ever feel like you're doin' pretty good ? and then you
innocently turn a corner in your head and run right > into
something ? I sure seem to . Like my dog, After my husband moved out
almost three years ago, I got a puppy at the pound that was supposed to be
a Shepherd cross. He's not. He's a goofy gorgeous black and rust spaniel cross
sort of like a Gordon Setter. he is the funniest dog I've ever had and the friendliest.
he wants everyone to be friends and play and explore.
We spent so much time hiking when he was in his first year. I was a very good mistress.
We played many soccer type games. His fave is with a new gal. Vinegar jug
with a handle. Goodtimes. My husband has taken over that role now, which
I watch and mostly admire and occasionally #WHAM# I grieve.
Sometimes I feel like I am emotionally walking through a high crime neighborhood.
I'm thinking about moving. I get slapped around by my grief because it often
blind-sides me. I'll just sit and breathe and look towards my lovely mountains
that I have here. And know that razor edge will fade until the next seizure.
And my dog ? Chester . He sits on, at, by, and with me... when he's calm,
sleeping, or not sure what my son's up too, or just unsure. I see that I am
the hub of his wheel too.
Ladies do you see how you are the hubs for that "Spoke" of a husband ?
It's a hard place to find when we feel somehow mistreated isn't it ? I think it
may all come down to how well-meaning we believe our H's to be...
My H and I used to really Power-struggle. Now , not so much and way briefer
too. Like we just don't see the point of running with it because we Know
we mean each other well. We seem to have this lovely little pattern of being
good and thoughtful in real and silly ways. Like he left a patch of frost on the
windshield because I had commented how nicely the ''ferns" of ice had grown.
I'm (finally) over- all "happy" with my Guy ! I like how Well I know him. I like
that I can look at him and accept him, unkempt and rough around the edges
as he usually is. I used to frown and much much more. I respect his steadiness,
as annoying as that flat look of "Oh you still on about that ?" Men move on
differently it seems. More linear.
I dated a guy while we were separated. The more I liked him the more I realized
that I Really didn't Want to learn all over about someone. No way. In fact the
more I thought about it... the more nauseous I got and a short week later I dropped
the guy on his head, because I didn't give him an opportunity to see me one
last time - to what ? Argue the point? So anyways that was my strange little
trip through infidelity. Well actually I never did sleep with him. I can no longer bluff
and stick my nose up in the air and think " I could do better".
I value the sheer quantity of time spent with my H, all the shared exp.. It comforts me.
I also don't see cheating in his nature so - only in my bad dreams.
January 23, 2008 - 7:13pm
Hi A
Hmm, just a thought. Sounds like you're trying to bargain your prolapses away. Just give it your best with the DVD and firebreathing. Don't beat up on yourself if you miss the occasional day, cos that will just give you the opportunity to blame yourself once again if it doesn't work as well as you think it should, then you'll just feel needlessly guilty!!
There will be an optimum path for you which may not be perfect (but who's perfect anyhow?). Bargaining is one of the classic stages of grief. I think you just gotta do it and get it out of your system. Just do what is manageable.
January 29, 2008 - 4:24am
weird feelings
Hang in there ATS- I've been where you're at a lot lately. Cry, hang in there, avoid the foods that will make your mood worse, and know you're not alone. I've just come out a dark few days and the sunshine is back and the more I read the more hope grows.
Reading this line of posts- the whole weird feeling/irritation near the vagina entrance- is it the cytocele? Or urethra prolapse (that seems to feel like a little sausage). The irritation comes on from wearing undies, pushing too hard on the loo or lifting something badly?
Can't wait to get the book.....
I too have the golf ball thing- bladder right? It goes up and down depending on things I'm not clear on yet. A few of you have said sex is ok with it, but it seems to worsen things for me. I got severe hemis at 36 weeks pregnant, splits as well, second degree tear at birth, and the rear end problems flare up periodically (again, seem to come after sex)- getting the feeling its all related to the rectocele and losing some sphincter control, and the tearing at the birth. Amazing how midwives and doctors have nothing to say about these things?! I've learnt more on this site than anywhere else...
Fingers crossed the book comes tomorrow- want so many answers to too many questions.
Hugs to anyone today going through hell,
bluemama xxoo
January 29, 2008 - 4:55am
Thanks Bluemama
I have suffered with the roids and tearing to my back end since having my first baby 6 years ago. Got one that is persistent at the moment and it was getting better and then more trouble with BM's and I am back where I started. I know having the rectocele and the bowel hanging in ways it is not supposed does not help with all these problems. I used to heal from anything like this really quickly but now they just go on and on for weeks and weeks. Down there is just so strange. The irriration we get can be any of the prolapses depending on where they are that day. My cystocele seems to bulge down when squatting so I am guessing it does that when I am moving about throughout the day i.e. sitting, squatting, getting up from the floor, coughing, sneezing etc and my rectocele just buldges all the time. Not sure what the uterus is doing and how mobile it is but I don't think I really want to know.
At the moment I feel like I am carrying a water balloon around up there and it keeps squeezing my bladder and making me need to empty my bladder more often for fear of losing control - know what I mean?!
I have found that doctors etc really play these things down and like they are no big deal. I was never even offered PT or told how to prevent further worsening. I truly believe that midwives should be more informative and help us to get in the best positions for birthing and stop telling us to push with everything we have for hours on end and episiotomies should be banned!
(((Hugs))) back at you.
Anita xxx
January 29, 2008 - 5:05am
Hi Anita
I have given up full squatting, which I used to do a lot. When I squat, my thighs squash my belly, which needs to be left to find its own volume. Now I tend to 'kneel with my feet tucked under me', then get up by leaning on my hands, getting my feet flat on the floor with bent knees and butt sticking out the back, then straighten from the hips with knees straightening last. I have callouses on my knees and ankle joints, and my feet go to sleep if I stay there too long but my prolapses are behaving themselves. I try to sit cross-legged too, but there are times when you just have to get down close and personal; that's when I kneel.
January 29, 2008 - 5:11am
weird thing
happened last night, i have had a pain in my belly/side for the last few days,and with having loeds to do i wasnt noticing how bad it was or letting myself rest, sat down about 10 last night and when i got up to put something in the bin i got the pain real bad and.... apparently blacked out!{he picked me up}.. i went to doc this morning and he is treating me for... constipation??? i told him im not the best at going normally but this week is good for me as its my period week, he said appendix maybe and i told him its gone already so he said i dont know i will treat you for constipation and see how it goes. not really in topic but just thought it was strange that thats what he said and didnt think more of it, or check me more??
January 29, 2008 - 5:28am
no worries A
I so hear you! Bad split this week, couldn't sit down yesterday. I've been on an anti-candida diet and had been binging on chocolate which I finally realised is what's irritating my bladder/bowel on top of everything else. Everything is feeling off, bulgy, irritated, sore, abnormal. But if you're not watching your diet and not healing, I would definitely look at ways to make your diet better so everythings 'softer' and you can heal faster. I've learned a lot from my dietitian as well as this site, and started seeing her (as well as the physio) after my diagnosis. So far so good, except when I fall off the wagon. I find it hard when feeling down not to reach for chocolate, so the whole issue is forcing me to change a lifetime of habits.
I expect all this is in the book too, but the diet I'm on has profoundly improved my digestive issues WHEN I stick to it. My little binge showed me the hell I'm putting myself through. My bladder's ok but I always sweat a little when I know I have to go for a #2.
The physio I see has me on kegels, but only 6 times a day (before and after meals as a reminder technique). Five quick holds, holding all pelvic floor muscles and lower belly, then five long holds (first to ten secs then 15)- it helps when I do it properly- does the book think well of kegels in moderation? I had to be shown by the physio...she's getting me on vag weights next! Anyway- definitely know how you're feeling...
thank god for ring cushions!
bluemama xxoo
January 29, 2008 - 5:33am
weird thing?
hey ronshel30-
I had something like this recently- sudden weird cramps on the lower belly on right side- have been blocked up so it may be to do with constipation...mine came and went like a sudden cramp and was gone after a few minutes. Don't know much else about it- only happened a few times over a couple of days. My appendix is gone too, and it was around my period week...I always thought it was my ovary playing up...
bluemama xxoo
January 29, 2008 - 5:41am
Louise, squatting is not something I normally do as ever since having baby #1 is has put tremendous and uncomfortable pressure on my pelvic floor. I did it the other day as a test and that is when I discovered the golf ball just inside the opening, bladder or urethra, who knows! When standing it was not there. I do try to kneel as you describe but I do a lot of bending up and down to pick up after the kids and I have found that by lifting one of my legs behind me as I bend actually makes it feel much better. Is that an okay thing to do?
January 29, 2008 - 5:43am
same here
i had the pain a few weeks ago on lower left side and thought then maybe ovary? its strange the things we shrug off but i got a fright last night! will be going back if nothing improves, thanks for your reply:-}
January 29, 2008 - 5:55am
I've had some pretty nasty pains on my lower left side, just the other day it felt like someone was stabbing me. I think it may be trapped wind as that can be VERY painful at times. I remember after I had my gallbladder out the pain from the gas they fill you with was worse than the surgery itself, it felt like my ribs were broken.
The problem with doctors is they do not always have the answers but pain bad enough to make you black out in my opinion should be investigated. I to would go back if there is no improvement.
January 29, 2008 - 6:05am
oh i will!
the idea of gallbladder and ovary trouble came to mind, i don know much about gallbladder i thought i would be too young? when did you have your done?
January 29, 2008 - 6:31am
I think gallbladder problems can strike at any age, I was 35. I was about 11 weeks pregnant when my gallstones decided to let me know they were there, my husband came home to find me on the floor in the worst pain I have ever been in. I was told that pregnancy can actually cause them as the digestive system slows down so the bile sits there longer.
Luckily I only had a couple of mild ones after that which I think was down to the growing uterus moving things out the way but after my daughter was born they made up for it BIG TIME! I was begging to have the surgery done as I was so ill and on a bucket load of medication and finally ended up on a morphine type drug which only took the edge of things. I was miserable and when my daughter was 8 weeks old (Sept. 06) I finally had it out and that was one organ I was not sad to let go of.
Gallbladder pain usually strikes on the right sider under the ribcage, in the centre of the chest just where the ribs end and some people get shoulder pain as well. Its like a burning searing type pain - I have described it (and many others to) that its like someone cutting through your insides with a red hot knife and can last anywhere from a few minutes to hours. I had one episode last 48 hours!
Maybe TMI here but you get the gist of what type of pain it is.
January 29, 2008 - 7:05am
my pain has been low, hopefully not gallbladder, but dont thnk ill find out, unless it hangs on for a while then ill be back to doc, wasnt nice at all though, you try cookies yet? i tried them with a bit of food colouring and made blue ones, they didnt last long:-}
January 29, 2008 - 11:39am
Searching for Pollyanna...
No - Desperately seeking Pollyanna. Anybody seen her ?
She's been missing for months now and I'm very worried.
Without her perspective I'm so filled with loss.
January 29, 2008 - 11:50am
Who's Pollyanna?
January 29, 2008 - 1:20pm
I think you need a big HUG and someone to talk to.
I am not Pollyanna but I can spout Pollyanna sayings till the cows come home. My mother used to tell them to me ad nauseum, and I would just get angry - however time and age have shown me the truth of most of them. One of her favorites was "You will catch more flies with honey than vinegar." Who wants to catch flies???
Prolapse does not change who we are unless we let it. Our attitude is important in all we say and do and all through life we have learn to adjust our attitude or we aren't growing.
I'm not saying that having a prolapse is a breeze but how we look at it affects our preception of ourselves. We are still the same person we were before prolapse but it can make us stronger and more accepting of others. It is hard most of the time but we re STRONG WOMEN and can over come our difficulties.
If at first you don't succeed try,try,try (and on and on)again.
Enough spouting time to feed my rescue cats. They are still rescuing me.
HUGS to all.
January 29, 2008 - 4:06pm
Yeah, I feel like a wreck on the road...
I wish I could get out of my own way, but I can't find the
end of this grief. Even though I do feel a fair amount of acceptance.
Is resignation the same as acceptance ? Maybe not.
I'm working so much and my life feels so out of balance. I look
like hell, my clothes have turned into a compost pile. I'm just sort of
reduced, ynwim ?
The miraculous thing is I haven't had a single virus this
past summer up to now. Ha ! There she is. My Pollyanna.
God ! I swear I'm trying. I don't feel like I'm living however, Just surviving.
I am doing nice work and am pleased with my skills but it's
nearly all I do. My house looks like Katrina visited. And I'm struggling
with some big issues. I think my DH has PTSD. I wish he was
more compassionate and encouraging and flirty. My confidence is just
so low. I've even told him this. He retreats into himself and REALLY abandons me.
I can't seem to shake the feeling that his heart's not real "engaged".
And that fills me with a terrible anxiety and sadness.
I'm nursing some deep wounds. My only remaining GF (they all move away)
is sort of needy and gets resentful if I don't follow certain rules, meaning
how often I contact and how I prioritize my time on her days off. I do love
her as she's very dear and generous in so many ways. But I do feel hostage,
and she doesn't get this Forum business. Is actually almost jealous. i've
learned to not talk about other GF's either... Boy it kind of sounds bad put
out there in words....
But - Yes , you're right I could use a hug, and a word or three of encouragement.
Thanks Flora, I always love your tone and perspective.
January 29, 2008 - 4:30pm
Sending a (((HUG)))
Dearest Zelda, I am sorry you are struggling so at the moment. I know you are working so hard to raise some money and I am sure you are exhausted. All work and no play!
It sounds like DH should be getting some help. PTSD is no fun at all and a very lonely place to be and if that is what it is then he could very well be retreating into himself. I highly recommend TFT (Thought Field Therapy) which is what I used to help treat mine. An alternative is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), it involves tapping certain meridians on the body in certain sequences depending on what the patient feels i.e. anger, fear, panic, anxiety, sadness etc. Its also very good for general anxiety and stress and you may both benefit from it. It may help you let some of your anger go.
You will come through this Zelda.
We are always here for you.
Anita xxx
January 29, 2008 - 4:35pm
hugs zelda
haven't had time to be very caught up here but read your post Zelda...and sending you BIG hugs
January 29, 2008 - 4:46pm
Pollyanna again
Close your eyes and imagine I am sending you the biggest Hug you ever had. If you lived closer I would visit you and give you as many hugs as you need.
I think you need to take a break and be kind to yourself. Even if it is only 15 minutes or so. Have a long bath with lots of nice smelly stuff and relax. Then find your nicest clothes and put them on. Fix your hair and makeup. Then take a good long look in the mirror and see how beautiful you really are both inside and out.
Then build on your confidence. You are pleased with your skills, build on them and pat your self on the back for what you are accomplishing and keep on taking pride in all your accomplishments again and again.
Maybe dh feels you are abandoning him and doesn't know how to reach out.
Men can be very obtuse at times and need lots of love and encouragement. Maybe you could have a special supper for him and yourself and just talk about the things you love about each other. Corny but it works. Try to schedule some alone time together even if its only once a week.
When you need to vent this forum is always here.
Take it one day at a time and try not to do everything at once. Remember you are beautiful inside and out and a good woman. A good woman is hard to find and she is more valuable than all the jewels in the world.
January 29, 2008 - 8:13pm
Pollyanna Whitier is the invention of Eleanor Porter 1868-1920 American Writer. The character was brought to life by Walt Disney in a delightful movie called "Pollyanna." Pollyanna plays the "glad game" in which we find good things in everything, whether we like the thing or not. One of her examples was: If you don't like Sunday chicken dinners, then the good thing is they only come round every seven days. Hayley Mills stared in the role.
So for application here, a Pollyanna finds hope and joy in the most miserable situations including POP.
And for Zelda: I'm reading a really interesting book called People of the Lie. It states rather interestingly that people get into the habit of making either good decisions or poor ones, and the habit is based on decisions they made previously. So people who make good decisions will make mostly good decisions, and vice versa. The goal, of course, is to make as many good decisions as possible which will lead to an inability to make poor decisions.
I applied this to my mother who scores a really low D--.
January 29, 2008 - 9:06pm
people of the lie and tetris
Judy, as usual, that's facinating!
lends credibility to my 'tetris theory of life'
ever play tetris? I was addicted to it in high school and found that as in life, when you are placing the shapes in good (high scoring) places you tend to get shapes that are easy to place in good places. but once you start making mistakes and placing the shapes in awkward places, the following shapes are harder to place. of course, its usually possible to reverse the trend, just really hard, especially once it speeds up. slow it down, think, and its all good : )
life's alot like that too. good decisions beget more good decisions, and vice versa. but you can usually reverse the bad decisions lead to more bad decisions trend by slowing down to think
and I hope its ok to jump in so late in this thread. forty some posts....gosh I am having trouble finding the time to read 'em all. still have laundry to fold and lunches to pack, and am in the process of making a baby carrier and a baby gift (a bunch of newborn cloth diapers) for a friend.
January 29, 2008 - 9:47pm
I stand corrected
Definetly not a Pollyanna. Can't see any hope or joy in having a POP. Can hope no one else gets one. Joy if my daughter and others, don't get one because I told them about mine and they will apply what I told them and avoid getting a POP.
January 30, 2008 - 5:39am
I suppose Pollyannas would say I'm glad it's nothing worse.