Food, Exercise, General Health, My Profile


I want to thank you for the great web page Christine. I have your book. You are certainly an inspiration to me. I am truly grateful that I found your lone website giving better advice than surgery. The first words out of most doctors' mouths in regard to a prolapse is surgery. I showed one doctor your book and she said that she read your book and did not agree with it, but did not say why.

My History:
I am a diabetic with rectal and bladder prolapse. I developed my prolapse after the delivery of my daughter with forceps when I was 32 years old. The prolapse never bothered me until now at the age of 58. The prolapse started bothering me after I began lifting a heavy Kirby vaccum around. Now I use the little robot vaccums that vaccum by themselves.

I was diagnosed with diabetes 4 years ago. So far I have been able to keep my diabetes under control with exercise and diet. I use to weigh over 200 lbs. I now weigh 130 lbs.

I eat lots of fresh vegetables and soy everyday which helps to keep my sugar level under control.

I started swimming twice a day since my prolapse started bothering me a year ago. Now I am able to do a lot more walking than I did a year ago without my prolapse bothering me as much. Swimming allows me to give my pelvic floor a rest without giving up exercise, which is especially necessary as a diabetic.

I also started taking vitamin A three times a week. I remember years ago when I had bad acne, vitamin A was the only thing that helped. I figured I could improve the my skin (especially my skin on the pelvic floor) by taking vitamin A. I think it helps. This was just my own idea.

Thanks again for you web page.

Welcome Rita,

Thank you very much for your supportive words and also for your good ideas. Several other women have also mentioned the positive benefits of swimming and you are right on that this area of our body needs lots of natural vitamin A.

Keep up the good work!


p.s. Many doctors don't agree with what I write and some do. I'm so thankful to have received beautiful endorsements from the nation's leading gynecologist, Christiane Northrup, M.D., and the well known heart-health doctor Dean Ornish, M.D. ;-)

What form of Vit A do you take Ritacon? And Christine, what foods are best? I like to eat a lot of sweet potatoes & raw carrots, they are naturally high in A, right?

I really was commenting in my response to this original post about food sources when I said “natural vitamin A.” Be cautious of supplements, as they can be toxic. Yes, carrots and sweet potatoes are great sources, but so too are dark leafy greens, red bell peppers, apricots, mango, organic eggs, cantaloupe, and even oranges!