

Ladies, I need your assistance. I have a stage one cystocele. It has been a year since it was diagnosed. Six months prior to the diagnose, I began to notice discomfort during sexual intercourse. My spouse has been very understanding about all this. But I continue to experience discomfort, even painful, shall I say, during -
old-fashioned, tradtional,intercourse situations. Does anyone else on this bulletin board experience this? If so, any remedies to suggest? Thanks in advance for sharing.


This is a follow-up to my previous e-mail on the subject and inquiry of sex and prolapse.

I went for my annual GYN exam today. She suggested that I experiment with a sideways position and see if that relieves the pressure and soreness/pain I have experienced. She also suggested natural Vitamin E as a lubricant for both parties involved.

In the week since I posted my original inquiry I have noticed that there were no responses. I hope that I did not bring up or ask something considered taboo on this forum; or that it was an uncomfortable question for anyone. I just thought that since we are all in this prolaspe thing together that I may learn of some other thoughts. I certainly did not intend to push any boundaries.

Also, I continue to be amazed at what cranial sacral work can do for prolaspe and low back pain.

Question for Christine: I had a painful flare up around my low back a few months ago. One of the remedies the chiropractor suggested was that I place a pillow under my legs/knees as I sleep each night. Could the use or positioning of the pillow have any impact on the bladder prolapse I have or my level of daily comfort with the prolaspe?

May everyone be well.


Definitely not a taboo subject here. I rarely experience pain, but recently had an episode that I know was related to my rectocele. Bladder & cervix are never sources of pain for me. This was in the middle of my cycle and I was already feeling tender and probably should have been less active to be polite. :) Anyway, sidelying is always comfortable for me.

Hi Evie


Could you tell us about the sorts of results you are getting with cranio sacrial therapy?

Best Wishes


I am just wondering. What is cranial sacral work?


I have pretty severe cystocele, rectocele and utering prolapse but fortunately sex is not normally uncomfortable for me. Once in a while I may have some temporary discomfort but it is usually relieved by changing positions. Lubrication helps too.


Hi Evie

I can relate to your distress, and hope you can find a solution. It depends what sort of pain you are talking about. Internal pressure/pain may be to do with organs not being where they are designed to be. Chances are that you had the prolapse for a while before actually asking the Dr about it. Have you changed your posture as Christine suggests, and worked at it for a few months?

We have a very active sex life, and fortunately I have not experienced internal pressure type pain, but it would take the gloss off one of life's little pleasures. ;-)

I have experienced thrush and other infections since having a cystocele, mainly, I think because the front wall of my vagina has been in contact with my knickers and picked up germs from my anus from the fabric, especially towards the end of the day. Getting effective treatment for the germs is a pain. Sometimes works, sometimes not, and all the microflora seem to get out of kilter, and more inflammation results. When you have a lot of sex, it is hard to let that inflammation and pain settle. I just don't know what's good for me!

Solutions for us have been multi-pronged. First get rid of thrush and other bugs, then
1 More foreplay, less penetration
2 Vitamin E cream as a lubricant, then shower (no soap) then reapply as a dressing. Really hastens the settling of inflamed skin inside and out (doesn't taste too gross)
3 Acigel as a lubricant, vaginal pH corrector, tastes a bit vinegarey, but stops thrush getting worse and probably helps good bugs re-establish,
4 Olive oil as a lubricant, different feel, more slippery, very sensuous, doesn't need reapplying as often as water-based lubes, BUT BE CAREFUL IF YOU ARE RELYING ON IT WITH CONDOMS.
5 Go without knickers as often as possible, or wear loose knickers.
6 Keep pubic hair longer to prevent contact between vaginal tissue and soiled or damp knickers
7 Change knickers several times a day
8 Re-colonise vagina with good bugs with a squirt of yoghurt high in the vagina for a few days.

After doing all this stuff, but especially working at posture, I think I have it sorted.

However, I have experienced lower back pain for many years, and I do have to be a bit careful not to bend my sacral area too much, esp. during sex (think I have ruptured disks, and my hamstrings and glutes seize up to protect them). I am not absolutely sure that my prolapses do not play a part in the pain. I am now going to really get into Christine's exercises and get dancing more often, and have regular massages to try and heal this lower back once and for all.

Hope some of this is relevant to you, and that you manage to sort it for the sake of your relationship.

