help!! got questions


Hello Ladies
I have a cystocele prolapse. Not bad but enough to have some down days some days when everything feels fine. I just went for my yearly exam and told the midwife all about the postures, exercises, etc. she hadnt heard of it and was very interested. she emailed me this morning and said she checked out the website and liked it and it going to share with the docs in the office. Anyways my exam was on monday. last night, things felt low and today too. also when i checked it looked like some discharge and thing looked kind of swollen. is this from the speculum? nothing hurts, just looked different. also i am still nursing once in the am and once at night. my face has totally broken out, i havent gotten my period yet. my daughter is 16 months. does you body still go through some of the process of getting your period without actually getting it? when i do finallly get it, does it affect prolapses at all? any info would be helpful.

Hi Snurbbie,

Thanks so much for spreading the word about Whole Woman. Most of the questions you ask are outside my area of expertise, but I will tell you that many women do experience their conditions worsening with menstruation. This is probably simply due to the weight of the excess endometrium. There is also some change many of us notice with our bowels right before we get a period, but the whys of that remain a mystery.

I think it would be interesting to know just how or what triggers the menstrual cycle to resume after breastfeeding. I suppose it would have to begin with ovulation. Since ovulation occurs half way between cycles (the