

Just wondering if anyone has an opinion on this...
It has been just a few months+ since my prolapse became noticeable. Since that time, I have had days that it has felt fine and some that were very disconcerting! I have been paying attention to find a pattern...a few months ago it was awful right before my period, I could barely even be on my feet...this month it was fine before my period-was actually ok for a couple of my period is done and everything feels so low again(and has for a few days) there any rhyme or reason to this? I thought if it could just be somewhat predictable, it would be easier to manage. I was feeling so relieved and optimistic for a couple of I am discouraged again. Sex has even been uncomfortable :-(

this is what I've found...bad days usually (key word is usually) coincide with my period or ovulation. and G-d has a sense of humor. so sometimes no bad days, and sometimes the bad days come out of nowhere. I'd like to believe that there *is rhyme and reason. maybe I spent too much time wearing my baby on one side? or didn't eat well? or didn't sleep well? or had a fight with my dh? or got a not-so-happy phone call from dd's teacher?

I'm probably not much help I guess. but at least you know its not just you

Hi Stella

As usual Granolamom is right, I think. Sometimes there is a pattern. Sometimes there is not, but if you don't keep the records in your diary or calendar for at least six(?) months you have no chance at all of correlating any patterns at all. Day of last menstrual period is a good start, and I think just good practice, as you can always count back 14 days from the next one to find ovulation day, and sure as eggs is eggs some doctor is going to ask you about LMP before ordering an x-ray or something similar. It also helps for planning activities that are better enjoyed if you are not menstruating!

After that you can include headaches, black dogs, libido, cervical mucous, body temperature, chocolate cravings, hot blokes on the bus or whatever you like. If you have no data, you can learn nothing.



I have found the same thing. I was keeping track of my cycles up until this last month. I always found the days before my period were fine and then during my period again fine (well apart from the usual) and then the days following my period just awful. Last month it changed and the days following my period were fine and then the usual ups and downs until the last couple of days which have been horrendous and today my period is just starting. I can't find a pattern its just bad and not so bad days periodically throughout the month. I find I can even change from moment to moment.

I find this all very unpredictable. Also I noticed that during my period I can poop like a pro - go figure!

HA-(hot blokes on the bus,etc)...thanks everybody-I feel better already just hearing from you all. My cycle has been like clockwork for the last couple of years(never was before that) so pretty easy for me to keep track of things...before that I used to keep track on a lovely moon calendar-I recommend them-can't remember who makes them at the moment but the moons are blank so you can color them in and keep a chart of your cycle w/the moon phases.
Another question: Lately we have been stacking firewood(I think this got worse before that) and I wonder if those kinds of activities will make it worse and if so, is that a temporary effect? Or can certain physical activities-like lifting-have a long term negative impact on the prolapse? If activities like stacking wood can just cause a temporary setback, then I often need to do them...but if permanent damage will be caused, that is a different story.
Thanks for the feedback ladies!

hot blokes on a bus?

oh, that's funny! and how DO all those hot blokes know to take the bus when I'm ovulating?

I have found a number of things have a temporary impact- such as baby wearing, running, camping, cleaning- but I refuse to do something over and over-everyday- that have a temporary impact- like carrying heavy laundry or baby wearing while cooking- or even running.
So my research so far hasn't found anything I can't recover from- but my feeling is that I don't want to repeat certain actions everyday-
Does that make any sense?

That does make sense! Thanks.

But seriously Gmom, blokes can smell things that women can't smell. It's called pheromones. I was talking about it with DH just this morning. It must be very distracting if you are male.

The mice in our ceiling must think we are a bit wierd. There have been a few strange conversations in this household recently, including how sub-atomic particles work, codependency in relationships, the Search for Terrestrial Life programme and the time lag between transmitting radio signals and receiving a reply back through space.

("You are replying to a radio message from King Tut? No, sorry he's not here at the moment. He died several thousand years ago. Come to think of it, I didn't know he had a radio?")

