Things that work for you


Just thought I'd share this and anyone can feel free to post things that work for them. I read a post on here about ab isolation exercises to pull things up. I never really figured out how to do it but did find an exercise that worked for me that accomplished the same thing. I lie on my back on the floor in front of my couch and put my legs on the couch with my knees bent. I then lift my butt slightly off the floor and then use my lower abs to push my butt back down to the floor. Not sure if that makes sense but when I push my lower abs down I can feel everything pull up. I do this 3 times every day, when I get up, in the middle of the day and then before bed. I feel tons better than I did when I first found my prolapse at about 3 weeks postpartum. My son is now 2 months old and I go most days with very few symptoms at all. I see a urogynocologist this week and I'm hoping things look good. At the very least, it pulls everything up and makes me feel better.

but how do you mean you push your abs down? Do you tighten them?

thanks for sharing that one. I'll try it.

a loooong while ago, christine posted an exercise, specifically targeting rectocele I believe, which was similar. on your back, legs up against a wall and press your bum into the wall. or something like that. it was just an idea, and not tested out or anything. I was um, supposed to give it a go and report back, but I got, um. lazy. and didn't.

... I'll try anything. Can't quite picture what you mean though.

Yes, you tighten your abs. Basically I use my leg muscles to pull my butt slightly off the floor and then tighten my lower abs like I'm going to sit up. But only use your lower abs, not the top. The way that I found this exercise is that I was trying to figure out how to do the ab isolations that someone else was talking about. They said that while doing them that they checked themself and the front wall was really tight and not bulging at all. So I was doing the ab exercises like I thought I should do them and checked and nothing was moving for me. So I bent my knees and checked again, when I did this I had to pull my head and shoulders up slightly to reach (had to use my lower abs to do this) and voila! Everything was further up and the front wall where my cystocele was hard! So I'd just play around with it and see if you can find a position that pulls things up. I can do them in bed with my knees bent but it's easier and works better with my legs on the couch. I really think it's been making things better to the point where I don't feel things so much so I'm forgetting to do them and my kegels. Whereas before it was all I could think about so I know it's getting a little better at least (although I've stopped checking so much.) I can't be sure if this is just normal healing or if it's related to doing this exercise but I know that I feel so much better after doing them so I know they lift things up and give me relief. I wish I could do a video and show you what I'm doing.