maya massage??


has anyone heard of this??
or better yet tried it??
there is a website with drs you can find near you who do this massage!
i have emailed several.
i am so excited.
is it false excitement?
let me know.
email me directly if you can.
EDIT BY MODERATOR (LOUISE): Julie, I took out your email address so it doesn't get harvested by bots or other nasties. Members' email preferences allow private emails to be sent. :-)

Yes I use the Maya Massage ever day apart from 5 days before period is due and then not until the heavy bleed is finished. Please do not expect miracles from it. So far my uterus does not appear to have dropped any further but it did not stop the progression of my cystocle and rectocele. I had no bulges before starting both the posture or maya and now I have what feels like quite substantial ones. It has definately helped with the heaviness of my period and I continue to do it every night in the hope that my uterus will remain where it is or maybe go back up a bit.

I found my therapist through and wish you luck, it is definately worth a try. During your first session you will be taught how to do the massage on yourself. It does have lots of health benefits for getting the circulation flowing in both your upper and lower abdomen.

Hope that helps. If you have any questions ask away or e-mail me through the contact page.
