Feel blah today


I have been generally happier in the last week or two, saw a physical therapist on monday who was very friendly and told me more about prolapse then what any other doctor I've seen has.

She examined me (geez everyone wants to look) but this time I was told I have a rectocele as well as the cystocele, which I hadn't realised this before now.
Have noticed 'sorry tmi' lately I don't feel as though I haven't had proper BM, like theres still something there :(
So now it has me wondering have things just gotten worse? I'm trying hard not to let it get me down but I'm pretty uncomfy today and quite worried too.
Feel as though I'm sitting on a lump :( quite a yucky feeling today

Grr I'm hoping this gets no worse from here

Hi Mummy, Sorry you've had a less than good day. I hope you feel better tomorrow. I've found that a good diet really helps me-I eat many things now that I never thought I would eat, and I've given up even more. I cannot tolerate that heavy feeling. It took me months to sort out.

I kept working at it till I found the right combination of food, supplements, exercise, etc. to get me feeling mostly normal again. I'm still fine tuning it. I want so much to hand down what I learn to someone else. I've even resorted to one of those green powder superfood supplements. I mix it in orange juice and it looks just ghastly but it is making such a difference in how I feel, and how my body functions. I have to lean to food and the herbal side for help as I can't tolerate most medications and synthetic vitamin supplements. Walking helps me also. I walk mostly on grass instead of level pavement. It is softer on the body and the unevenness is better exercise, I think, plus it is just prettier. I am deeply affected by my surroundings.

I hope you feel better soon. Kit