positive steps forward


I wrote about 10 weeks ago feeling at my wits end but wanted to post some positive news. I had constant downward pressure and felt like I could hardly move without falling out, which im glad to say never happened, my cervix is about an inch in held up by a back and front bulge. I can now say that there is now a definite improvement, not visually, but with tsymptoms (going to the toilet and pressure and pain in my tail bone). I can only attribute this to two things: I followed advice of whole woman and I ive been goint to an osteopath, who has corrected my lumber curve and numerous other problems with my pelvis and spine which resulted from a long and difficult labour.
I’m not back to normal by a long way and do have days were I think its all gone bad again but the next day its ok. I think I will get a lot better from this, perhaps not perfect(I hope to snowboard again I really really do, but I can wait!!!) I am 26 and the damage was caused by giving birth, so I cant speak for everyone, but i want to say to those who are feeling like I did only a few months ago that things can improve but be patient its taken me a year to feel anything near normal. I believe from my experience that posture is the key; if everything is in line then you can really work on strengthening, before I saw the osteopath I was trying to work on a structure that was all out of place and so i wasn’t getting anywhere.

Hi Newmum

That's great news, and just the sort of news we like to read from a mum 12 months after having a baby. It was an interesting comment (in another post?) that your osteopath made about your having spent the last few months walking around in a bearing-down-during-labour posture.

Isn't that a very similar posture to that promoted by many fitness teachers, that kind of androgenous, tucked in tummy and tucked in butt, with pelvis tilted backwards, and (consequently) loose pelvic floor?

Christine talks in one of her Blog entries about the natural process of birth, and her thoughts about ensuring that newly birthed women get back out of that bearing down posture and into WW posture as soon as possible after birth, as a way of preventing post-partum prolapse.

I think this osteopath knows what she is talking about.



fabulous news, new mum!
I'm so happy to hear that you've been improving and (finally!) seeing results from your hard work. It took me well over a year to start seeing results.

and thanks for posting, I find it so helpful when people post the good news.