feeling bummed today!


HI All,
sorry, ust feeling that need to moan with those I know understand!
(haven't had much time to post these days, computer time seems non existant! But a bit of quiet this morning...)

anyway, despite my generally feeling like "i can do this!" i'm having a misery morning. I'm just fed up of having to forego so many things to keep my body functioning happily! no dairy, no chocolate, no sugar, no this, no that... what's making it worse is that just when i got used to the dealing with it all with my prolapses, my lichen sclerosis has majorly flared, so i'm doubly worried that anything i eat (or do!!!) will make it worse.

so today is easter, and i did eat some yummy chocolate, but am sure I'll pay for it in one way or another. I hate having to feel that way about the odd, simple pleasure!
I just want to get my body back on track. It's been there before, so I'm having faith (well trying!) that it'll get back. Just not sure how. and in the mean time, feeling rather blue about it all...

thanks for letting me vent!



Today at Mass, I will pray for peace for you especially. I hope Easter brings you something new and joyous. May fears and worry and stress vanish forever.


yeah, I had too much chocolate this weekend too. and I'm paying for it. Its a real kiljoy.
so scooch over, I'm sitting with you today.

IIRC you are pretty new to prolapse right? Please don't feel down. It will get better. I do things that make mine more noticeable and if they are things I love to do I don't regret them. Here is why. I know that with out a doubt I will get better.
I hear you about the food. It is so funny how much we people socialize around food and use food for comfort and healing. A friend of mine recently went on a rant about how food is the new religion. And it seems it is. There are so many different schools of thought out there about food. Raw. Vege. Vegan. Weston Price. It goes on and on.
Here is something that might help- find a local pot luck group who eats the way you do (or wish you did) if you can't find one-well start one. There is something so amazing to me about sitting with my friends and family and sharing a meal where I don't feel like I gave something up. Eating with families who share my food preferences is amazing. And I always learn somthing- a great recipe- nutrient combinations.
I rarely feel I gave up meat- more often that I added sushi-or lentils- or Kale- things I never really had any interest in and that are so sweet. And the best thing is I really feel good when I eat this way. I am learning to love the foods my body loves and to tune into which foods really do have a strong impact - good or not so good.


I'm a candy maker. I make all kinds of candy including my own marshmallows, fudges, fondants, hard candy, lollipops, caramel, toffees and bridles. I find that my own candy is fresher, tastes better and you don't eat as much. Also, the only part of it that is really questionable for you is the sugar, and I'm not a sugar basher.

This year I made toasted coconut chocolate rum flavored balls and dipped them in dark chocolate and put toffee crunches on the top. Here's the recipe.

Make fondant from 2 sticks or 1 cup butter and 2 cups powdered sugar. There is a new natural sugar out there I haven't tried yet but I plan to. I use a food processor, but you can mix by hand.

After the sugar and butter are blended, I add one or more of my extras like peanut butter, toasted coconut, dark powdered chocolate, coffee, maple, raisins, rum, almond, ground walnuts, ground peppermint, fresh raspberries, ground orange or cranberry or other fruit, and then I form balls and freeze them. Usually from two recipes I make maybe 10 different kinds.

This frozen candy can be kept for months and sure makes you look like the accomplished cook when having company at the last minute!

Using a toothpick, I dip the frozen candy balls into dark chocolate with a little paraffin. Then I re-dip the tops and add a garnish.

I make huge candy balls - about 1.5 inches and I decorate the tops. Most people can eat two.

I think this kind of candy is less problematic on the system than store bought. It compares to the butter and jam we use on on toast.


thank you all for your lovely thoughts.

Judy, thank you for your special thoughts for me. You made me cry!!!

it's good to know i'm not alone in this--desire and then dealing with the consequences. (granolamom, glad to know someone is sitting next to me today!)

Alemama--i know, it will get easier--thank you for the reminder. my pop's are about a year old now, and it has gotten easier. i embrace lentils, and love the new recipes i'm discovering. to be honest, i was coping great until my LS flared up and just brought me a whole new challenge! in a way tougher in that it's not so responsive to the little changes...so i don't know what makes it better / worse, so fear everything!!! and i can't compensate for indulgences with LS in the way I can with my POP. some chocolate can be offset by extra flax or prunes with the POP. not with the LS... so that makes it tougher, feel more bummed that way...

but i will get through that too I know. i just have to find the deeper meaning...

but thanks again all. much appreciated!!!


I've so little time just now, but I wanted to say that I hope you are feeling so much better today. Sometimes the bad days are followed by really good ones. The body rises up and says, Enough Already! I hope this is the case for you, if not today then very soon. Sending you sunshine and less pain and troubles, Kit