A nice report for you all


I have been going to PT for a few months. I told my PT about wholewoman and the book. She recently bought the book and is reading the entire thing. She told me yesterday she had a new patient that was considering surgery and she recommended the book. The patient bought the book and came back and said she is not going to have surgery. I think my job was well done.
Take care,

Thank you Patty! This work could never have evolved without women like you. I hope you are doing well. Hugs, Christine

You were brave enough to just tell the physiotherapist the book, one woman has been able to see her prolapses differently, and a therapist will be making different recommendations. How hard was that? Probably on par with an interview with the Principal of your kid's school! But it will be easier next time. Keep up the dialogue! Well done.

Well, everyone else? We need more of these stories.



I have my first PT on Monday afternoon...
I will have the book in my hand, I will be showing it to her, that's for sure.

Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference
Look into the eyes - They hold the key.