What advice and encouragement can I give?


Hello dear friends! I visit you occasionally without posting, due to the demands of the daily life of homeschooling 3 blessings, practicing law part time, running another business and keeping a home. However, the value that is here is not lost on me! I eagerly await the new dvd.

I ran into an old friend today, weeks away from delivery with her 3rd child. She is so uncomfortable, and confided about the pressure she feels -- you know what I mean. What can I tell her, besides what I know - from those of you who have been through pregnancy with prolapse. What can I tell her that will be instructive and encouraging, besides giving her this website, Christine's book, and my own experience?

And, as we still contemplate perhaps one more, perhaps the biggest issue is whether it would worsen my condition. What experience can ;you share. And, Jane, are you here? How are you doing?

Love and blessings to all you amazing and strong women,


well I am going to try for another baby soon and I plan to keep you all informed about the details. So maybe I will be another story of hope.
What to tell her-
maybe to hold her upper body in ww posture if she can- to rest on elbows and knees frequently- to birth as gently as possible- that pressure is pretty normal to feel when the baby drops- not to strain on the toilet at all- maybe you could turn her onto the V2 supporter?

Glad she has such a good friend in you.

thanks for your concerned reply. I'll lend her my V2. Great idea. Also the info about it getting more challenging when baby drops.

Blessings, Marie

Hi Marie,
I am now 37 weeks pregnant. I got POP from having my first bub (who has just turned 3). What's helped me most has also been wearing the V2 supporter (I got the prenatal cradle plus) for activity and trying to maintain posture as much as possible. I found continuing to go on regular walks helps a lot and I also have a lie down every afternoon for about 20 minutes to half an hour. I'm planning to birth gently and in an upright position (anything but on my back). I've been really careful about not getting constipated - at least 2 litres of water a day and lots of fruit plus a fibre supplement. The first trimester was the most difficult and since then I haven't felt any worse than when I first developed prolapse. I'm a bit less comfortable in these last few weeks but I'm just taking it a bit easier.
Hope that's helpful for your friend.

thanks for the encouragement, for my friend and myself, if we should try again. I am so glad your pg is going well. you are truly an inspiration, and it seems knowledge and practice is the key to wellness. Thank you for paving the way for those who follow -- it gives us courage to believe the seemingly impossible is possible. Blessings for your last weeks and for your gentle delivery. Your body knows exactly what to do.
