I starting to freak out again - Does anyone know how to tell if they have vaginal vault prolapse?


My entire insides are saggy. I am getting scared that there is more than cystocele and rectocele. Can anyone help me.

Really would like to know. I am probably getting crazed as my specialist appointment is next week.

Is saggy for the entire insides normal for 10 week pp?


and relax. I went through all of my freaking out times thinking I had every kind of prolapse there is too. Try to just relax, I know it's hard but even if you did have everything wrong, you're still here right? It also helps your body relax if it's not sooooo tense. Just breath, hold your butt up and enjoy your baby.

my understanding is that this is pretty rare in an unhysterectomized woman.
and also, I think its normal for everything to feel somewhat saggy 10 weeks pp.
It never really goes back to what it was before babies.