Urethracele and cystacele qts


So, I just got my book in the mail. Lo and behold, what I thought was cystacele is actually displacement cystacele and urethracele. I don't notice rectocele yet. Maybe I won't. I hope. My concern is that somewhere between yesterday and today, everything got much worse.

My urethra is outside of me now. It has been sort of bulging, but now it's larger than a marble outside of me. My cystacele bulge was present at my opening, and now its just a whole lot bigger. HELP!! I'm freaking a little!

Please, if anyone has urethracele also, please respond. I only hear people taking cyst & rect...anyone else out there with urethracele?

I totally overdid it yesterday, I know I did. My fault. Damnit!!! Lifted way too much, on beach at park, child in front pack, you name it, i did it yesterday. Shit! Sorry to be vulgar. I'm just so mad at myself. This is by far the worst it's been. I can actually feel it out of me when I walk. I thought it was uncomfortable before.

I'd love some emotional support, especially the "I deal with this too" version. Thanks so much ladies!!!! Sorry for typos-writing fast as dinner cooks downstairs...

Hi Sarahlove

No wonder you are cross! And guess who you are cross with?

Hey, chill dearie. We have all overdone something at some stage and suffered for it the following day or four, prolapsewise. Give it a few days of good (not overdone) posture, good diet, some of Christine's dance exercises to move everything back up, some cat arches and relaxes on all fours with loose belly. Think it up! And be kind to yourself. So you made a mistake? Auntie Louise says it will be no big deal in the longrun.

I have heard Christine say that once we have one prolapse we will all have all three eventually. That is my experience, but I am much better, more stable, and they are all further up most of the time, now they are all settled. I think that urethrocele of yours is is under some pressure. Just get it back to where it belongs by relaxing your belly and giving it plenty of chance to get back.

Forgive yourself and relax a bit. There is nothing like tension to cause pressure. On the other hand I can imagine how upset you are (((HUG)))



Yes, I am fully to blame. VERY aware of that. All three...or all four? Is ur.. a part of cyst..? Do they go hand in hand? It's like the front part of my vaginal opening is outside of me now. Not just a bulge coming out the opening, but the opening itself falling out. OOOoohhhhhh. Do you have this? Thanks in advance for any and all candid answers. Thanks Auntie Louise!

So, another comment... My cystocele now resembles the blob. Has anyone seen that 80's horror film? Well, this giant red jello-like substance, the blob, goes on a rampage eating town after town by simply engulfing everything in sight. Yes, that's right, the blob has now come closer to home and has eaten my vagina. I swear, my vagina used to be there, even just 2 days ago. But now the blob has eaten it.

Please, can anyone tell me that one cup of coffee a day is OK for me with these problems? I don't drink a pot a day, and I eat healthy...but just one cup? The occasional glass of wine? I've yet to give these up and I'm clinging like I'm lost at sea and they are my life jacket.

I really don't want to get worse. All humor aside. I really really really don't want to get worse.

Sarah…deep breath. In the book I describe the classical definitions of cyctocele and urethrocele. However, many gyns are calling for abandonment of the term urethrocele. Your symptoms are probably just the same as many women here on a bad day. Here’s an idea:


Get down on your hands and knees for a bit. Drop onto your forearms (butt in air) and just rest in this position for a few minutes. Come to sitting on your heels (maybe put a small pillow b/t soles of feet and bottom) and place your hands on your thighs. Pull up nicely into the posture, close your eyes, and begin natural breathing…relaxed lower belly expanding with the in-breath and passively falling back with exhalation. Be aware that in this position your lower belly is coming well over the tops of your thighs with the in-breath. Now begin to rock your pelvis a bit forward with the in-breath and back on exhalation. Go forward as far as you can without changing any aspect of the upper body posture. When going back only go as far as you can without collapsing the middle spine. This is gentle, continuous movement. Do this for a full two minutes at a comfortable pace.

Bend forward with arms stretched out front and forehead on floor. Rest while breathing naturally. Roll over onto your back with a small pillow under your lumbar spine (this is passively stretching the lumbar spine). Completely relax with palms up. Breathe deeply through your nose and into your lower belly for as long as you want. Go to bed and tomorrow morning take a few firebreaths on an empty stomach. Then try to practice the posture as much as you can throughout the day alternated with as much rest as you need. Good luck! Christine

sorry saralove, but you made me laugh so hard I nearly peed.

all kidding aside, *if* you hold yourself to blame then that means you have the ability to reverse the damage you did yesterday. I've probably got a urethrocele too, I'm just lumping it all together as a 'prolaspe' because its easier for me to deal with it that way. I've gone and done too much too, and made things worse. first, you've got to forgive yourself. so what? you were living life and not putting your prolapse first. personally, I think that's GREAT! that you were able to enjoy yourself without fear.
now comes part two, when you learn that you can undo some of it. posture, plies, firebreathing, rest usually does it for me. and loads of positive thinking.

ah baby's up from mini-nap.

love to you sara!

Now i know why people open doors and carry groceries for older women...
and why they walk so carefully.
Women have been living with this condition long before there were
OBGYN's...so i tell myself "i will survive"!...
I just need to learn to manage it.

I'm getting used to all the little idiosyncrasies;
Even small meals push my pop,
When i cough i stand on one leg and lean forward with the other leg straight
out behind me (i look like a "T" crane!).
I take Rodan's "thinking man" position when i'm on the toilet!..urine flow
is better...and it's "bottoms up" to empty!
I know to ask for help carrying objects i never used to consider "that heavy"!
I sit in lotus/cross legged on the floor to help "reinstate" my organs!...
and/or various arm movements......
I'm learning not to be embarrassed about making these "adjustments"...
I'm learning not to "think" about it, I just reflexively do these things now.
I understand some days are more problematic and some days are BETTER...
I'm learning how women before us learned to "deal", and get on with life.
Things could always be worse!

It's so unbelievably comforting to have a place to go when you're scared, and to know that people will listen to you, respond, and UNDERSTAND. Thank you so much. My prolapse was a little better today, not sticking out when I woke up. It's not so great tonight, but I'm tired and that always seems to affect it.

Thanks for being there yesterday. I was really freaked out. I know this can be a progressive thing, but somehow, deep down, I truly only expect it to get better, not worse. It took me by surprise that it actually did worsen.

I haven't yet tried the excercise you gave me Christine, but thank you for it. I did spend alot of time yesterday and today on my elbows and knees, butt in the air. That feels good.

Again...Thanks so much. Gmom, I'm glad you liked the blob. Humor is really healing for me. If I can laugh about it, I don't need to cry about it quite so much. That's another reason I love this site, you ladies are funny. It lightens up the heaviness.

By the end of the day, gravity has usually affected my pop to
some degree, but it's always (so far....knock on wood) better
in the morning...a new day!