OT: Kudos to Christine


Couldn't find a chit-chat location for this comment, but I certainly feel emotional about it, so here I squeeze in.


Wow. I enjoyed reading the speil on the 2nd edition book and then I came to the recommendations. You got endorsements from some heavy hitters, Christine!! Christiane Northrup, Penny Simkin, Jan Tritten, Michel Odent (!), and Peggy O'Mara's didn't hurt either. The others were surely as impressive, but I was unfamiliar.

Have you considered sending a copy to Jay and Marjie Hathaway in California (the Bradley Method folks). They would probably LOVE this stuff.

I wonder if MEAC would review it for admission on their criteria for midwifery school accreditation. I have a friend who is the President of a midwifery college out west, and also on the Midwifery Education Accreditation Council...I am sure she would be interested.

Anyway, it is an honor for us to have your mind to pick as we cruise along in our journey. Thanks for sharing your hard-earned wisdom, Christine, and for being so accessible. Wow.

With appreciation,

I just read your press release, you had a recommendation from Ina May Gaskin as well!!? Well, that is just over the top.

Thank you very much, bgb. From the very beginning I’ve tried to interest the midwifery community in this very vital information, for it is really in their best interests to know about. It’s an odd reaction that I’ve received literally from the beginning when shopping around my manuscript of the very first edition. Several local midwives here read it and all responded by asking some version of the same question, “Who is your target audience?”

Uh-h-h-h…how about All women? And then recently I was completely blown away when a very well-known midwife told me she had only seen a couple of cases of prolapse in her 40-year career. Hm-m-m…okay…

On top of that I was just (almost rudely) turned down – after being accepted – to write an article for a big parenting magazine.

It seems to me that this information is so profoundly revolutionary, but revolutionary in a way that the revolutionaries themselves can’t accept because it didn’t come from the “inside” – from one of them. I can tell you that if Michel Odent wrote this book it would be in the hands of every midwife and splashed across the pages of every parenting and midwifery magazine on the planet.

But not to worry…we have plans to greatly widen the wholewoman circle so that all women will have greater access.

Again, thank you so very much for your comments…they are what breathe life into this work.
