The Whole Woman approach has helped


A few weeks ago, I joined this forum and purchased Christine's book. I'm post-menopausal with a moderate cystocele. At the time, I was quite depressed about the prolapse and its implications for my lifestyle and health. I'm not saying it has all been resolved. However, I have gone for a couple of weeks with no discernible "leakage," which has helped tremendously on the psychological side. I attribute this largely to following the pictures and text in the book that explain why a cystocele leads to incontinence, and how to empty the bladder completely.

Two weeks ago, I rode a horse at the walk and trot, with no incontinence and no worsening of POP symptoms. Then of course, I felt so good, and needed to ride so badly, that I got on a week later and overdid it. I just felt afterward that things internal were lower and more annoying again. However, I have also been doing some of the body work recommended in the book,and I find that it really does help put those organs closer to where they should be.

I think it also helps that I have been using estradiol inserts at bedtime for three weeks. I got the okay from my doctor to use it nightly for a month and then go back to twice a week. In addition, I drink Bell's Bladder Control herbal tea. I have had no trouble at all with urinary tract infections.

Best wishes to all who are dealing with these issues, especially the new moms out there. I think there is hope for us all.

Hi Saddleup

Wow! That is wonderful news. Remember that the improvements will continue for years after starting WW posture. Your body will change gradually, and something that is hard for you now may become easier or better with time. This has been my experience. Don't be put off by short term setbacks. They seem to be part of this work.

Of course, the normal bodily changes that go with ageing may come into play as time goes on. The continuum of post menopausal changes may go for many years after that magical '12 months without menstruation". The levels of lutenising hormone and follicle stimulating have roles to play in post-menopause bodies too, and also settle eventually. I have seen a paper on the Net that explained it all, but I have lost the bookmark. <:->

