Goldfinch: One Year


It was one year ago today that I became a member of this forum. My uterus had prolapsed the week before. I was 58 ½ years old. I was very constipated that morning and was pushing terribly hard. Down it came. Maybe if I’d known then what I know now I could have prevented it from happening. Hindsight is always 20/20. But it happened and life goes on.

I’ve made quite a few adjustments in my life, probably for the better. I am much more aware of my body now and take better care of myself, especially when it comes to rest, lifting and diet. I try to have a positive attitude, although it’s not always easy. Sometimes the day will go by and I won’t even think about this. But it’s usually there, on the fringe of my mind, like a small black cloud in my blue sky, sitting on the horizon in my line of vision.

But things could be worse, and I know that. Life handed me this lemon, and I’m doing my best to make lemonade from it. One silver lining is that I hope to educate my daughter so that it never happens to her and so that she can educate my granddaughter.

The other silver lining is being a member of this wonderful group of women – faceless friends but sole mates in this part of my life. You have all taught me so much. Different personalities, young and old, all helping me more than you know. Thank you all, Christine especially, for being here, for sharing, for holding hands across this immense Internet. I’m sure none of us want to be a member of this sorority, but thank goodness this forum is here. It holds me up, gives me hope, and is my life raft on bad days.

I wish everyone here well. I miss the members who have come and gone, embrace the new members and say thank you to Christine, to the moderators, and to everyone who gives their time and support. I hope I can repay you all someday.


one year! I remember that milestone. It only gets better. Congratulations for getting this far.