Just diagnosed rectocele/ Will I be able to continue running?? by summergirl


[post originally submitted by summergirl in member stories forum]


I am glad I found this site so hello to everyone. I am 34 and have had 3 vaginal deliveries and my youngest will soon be 2. I recently started getting into a running routine again with 2 of my friends and have been training for a half marathon.
I was running the other am and needed to have a BM but could not due to running and embarrasment being with others so I held it. Later that day I noticed that I had a balloon type of something coming out of me. I was astounded to say the least and called the gyn right away. They acted like this was not a big deal and it happens to everyone. They got me in that day and my gyn was completely untheraputic about the situation and said that it will just get worse. I am changing doctors now and will be seeing someone in August to talk further about this.
This doctor said that mine wasn't bad but by time I got to the office the balloon had gone away but now I am aware of this being there. I have felt so many emotions the last few days and would love to continue running or exercising but will this make this much worse??
If anyone has any suggestions or words of advice they would be very appreciated.

sorry for the double post

I moved summergirl's original post from the Member Stories forum to Lifestyle, as I felt it was more at home here. I must have done something wrong along the way, because we ended up with a double post.

so please ignore this one and respond to the one that says 'submitted by summergirl'

thanks everyone!