


Thank you for getting back to me. My daughter is having a sleepover with her girlfriend. They are watching a movie now. My husband and son are at the Nets game.

I am alone with the girls. I don't want to scare them, can this wait until tomorrow?

I feel very uncomfortable knowing that you think this must come out immediately....My stomach is churning.

Please advise.

"little Marie"

I trust your judgement, I just don't want to frighten the girls!!!

...sorry to alarm you,'s not an emergency...just get it out as soon as you can. I think several other women here can "see" what's going on to have caused another "bulge." Sybille???

Hi Marie~

I thought I heard my name, so signed on. Pessary problems?

I wore a pessary for one year. Was diagnosed with UP (I) and cystocele (II). I never really found comfort with it and would take it out almost nightly as I couldn't stand having that rubber thing in me. I firmly believe this taking in and out contributed to my rectocele ("small"). I left it out as I knew the tissues were already compromised and I couldn't help thinking I was making it worse.

Ordered the fembrace and that was good. Found this site in March of this year and immediately found relief with the posture. At first, I had such a back ache (lower) and thought I was doing it wrong. I really wasn't, although I may have over extended some muscles. By summer, I was feeling pretty good and wearing the fembrace only when doing physical work around the house.

To get the stubborn pessary out, just prop one leg on the toilet seat and kind of reach in and slowly retrieve it. If the left leg is propped, use the right hand. Then after a nice, warm shower, kisses to the girls, lay in bed and enjoy a self healing Mayan massage. Lay on tummy and then upon waking up in the morning, immediately assume the "posture". If not sure, stand against a wall and make sure your butt, shoulders and head are touching. That should give you an idea of how to walk. Sit and walk in that position. It comes second nature to me now and I even have forgotten to wear the fembrace, although now I am using the v2 when I remember to wear it. Actually, you will present much better, standing tall and no one is the wiser.

Hope this helps. Usually a person with one bulge will go on to have more - but look on the bright side - it is these very bulges that keep everything in place, albeit, not what we are used to. In a matter of weeks, you will feel 110% better - guaranteed.

Take care Christine, on your life's journey. You will come through it, a better person. If anything - your entire being will "become one."
