Worsening of prolapse with pregnancy and terrified!!!


Hi everyone. I can't believe I have only just discovered this site!! Following the birth of my son a year ago I was left with a cystocele and rectocele. I was told this was "mild" but I could feel my cervix had dropped. I am now 10 weeks pregnant and was horrifed to discover yesterday (for the first time) that my cervix is JUST inside my vaginal opening. Is this normal during pregnancy? Why has it only happened now? What should I do to help improve it? Also I am interested in attempting a "no-pushing" birth. Has anyone tried this? Any other advice on the birth? I am also hoping to have at least one more child (making 3) and am wondering if it is likely (assuming I have natural vaginal deliveries) my prolapse will become much worse.
Any information at all will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much. :)

hi there
my guess is that the reason your cervix is lower is due to all the extra weight in the uterus. and in the general area (fluids, etc). my experience was that the prolapse worsened a bit early in pg and then by the time the uterus rose up out of the pelvic cavity it actually got better (like 18 weeks? don't remember exactly).

what should you do?
go to the home page, read the faqs
if you can, get the book, saving the wholewoman, the second edition. it explains the anatomy of a prolapse, how it happens, why, and how it can be stabilized and possibly reversed to some degree.
avoid constipation as best you can
try to implement the posture as best you can. by the third trimester I had a very hard time of maintaining the posture, but you still have some time.
learn all you can about birthing in a way that can help avoid worsening of the prolapse, and learn all you can about promoting healing pp

re: the birth
my last baby was born without my pushing at all. I first heard of a no-pushing birth here, and wanted to try it. it was a homebirth and it was fabulous.

my prolapse is no worse since the birth. in fact, it is significantly better than before I got pg with this last baby. not just dumb luck though, I had been working to stabilize the prolapse for about a year or so before I got pg and was mindful of it during the pg, labor, delivery and pp period.

so it can be done, you can do it.

the unfortunate thing, imo, about your story (and this is so common) is that your dr deemed it 'mild' and apparently gave you no further guidance. maybe kegels. most likely because he doesn't know what else to do about it.
good for you to have gone looking for more information, this site is full of good advice and support.

stick around and ask any other questions you may have.
and congrats on the pg!

Thanks so much for that granolamom. The FAQs were very helpful and I have ordered the book! We weren't sure about getting pg so soon but I decided I could deal with the prolapse (having a VERY supportive partner who still thinks I am very sexy is a great help).
As for dr...I know what you mean. Am disappointed there is not more guidance for people with this issue. I will be HEAVILY promoting this site I can assure you!
As for no-pushing birth - so great you could do that! I would love to have a home birth but hubby is too frightened after the type of birth we had with our first. Hopefully this one will go great and we can try it for our 3rd. Do you have any suggestions as to where I can find more info about no-push birth?
Thanks again. :)

try typing it into the search box here, I wonder if it will come up. I'm pretty sure Sue posted a link. or try googling it.
but pretty much this is what I did:

I knew I wanted to try birthing on my hands and knees and spent alot of time visualizing this. spent alot of time imagining myself just breathing and relaxing when baby would be making his entrance (exit?)
and that's pretty much how it happened.
my mw missed the birth, but my doula was there to catch. she was a bit nervous about the no-push thing and kept asking me if I was sure I didn't want to just push him out? because it took 3 or 4 contractions between his head emerging and the rest of him. but I was having fun doing it my way (or letting the baby do it his way) so I ignored her.

assuming everything is normal and healthy, I believe that you can have whatever kind of birth you want. so much of it is up to you, what you believe in and what you imagine is possible.

oh gosh, this is making me want another one.

Heres one of the two I had

Sometimes youre holding someone else's heart in your hands. You can drop that heart & bruise it. You can squash that heart & hurt it. Or you can stomp on it & totally annihalate it. You stomp on that heart or bruise it. It can forever be changed ♥