Rectocele Exercises


My rectocele remained bothersome even when I wore a tampon. I found an exercise that Patty posted in May that she found in a post of Christine's. It involves getting down on all fours and lifting the leg to the ceiling 20 times each leg. That has helped me a lot. Has anyone else found exercises that might help relieve the draggy feeling that a rectocele causes?

Hi KatKat

No responses, eh?

I personally think that any exercise that inverts the abdomen and encourages the abdominal and pelvic contents to wriggle back into their damaged jackets and gets the weight off them so they can do it (gets them out of the bottom of the rugby scrum) is bound to be beneficial. Doing them gently about 20 minutes after having a light meal might be helpful too, as that is when the stomach starts to empty and the gut moves its contents along.

That probably means firebreathing and other exercises done standing with the trunk bent forwards at the hips. Nauli may help as well, though I am not a naulier myself.



Hi Louise. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I found the exercise buried in a thread about posture by accident. I looked for other exercises for quite a while without finding anything, so I wasn't surprised at the lack of response to my post.

I am just getting started with the fire-breathing. I did look at the nauli demo on UTube--that looks like a difficult one to master.