Question - balms


Okay so right now I live on this site... just trying to process everything ;)

I got the peri balm and I'm not really sure how you are supposed to use it on the perineum (massage daily? just use if something is irrated?) I'd love more info on that. But it was fantastic on my hemorrhoids. Totally made me forget they were even there. (After they resurfaced as a result of my ill-conceived squatting experiment!)

I have a question about the other two balms. I have read conflicting things on the Internet about whether using oil-based lubricants can lead to or worsen vaginal infections. I think the rationale against them is supposed to be that because they stay on the skin longer they can trap germs, or something like that?

I am incredibly prone to vaginal infections, especially yeast which plagues me every month. That's another topic, I guess, but I just want to make sure that putting something oil-based on my vulva or in my vagina wouldn't worsen the problem before I give it a try. Also, does one need to take extra care to wash off any residue from the balms, or does it just slough away naturally?


I use them on an as-needed basis
I don't bother washing away residue, that would defeat the purpose, I think. they are very soothing, so I don't want to wash it off.

as far as monthly yeast infections, that must be awful! have no idea what to do re balms & yeast, but as an aside, if you type 'yeast' into the search box, I think you'll pull up lots of informative posts.

i've wondered the same thing as i am dealing with a lot of yeast issues at the moment, but not sure...

type thrush into the search and you'll come up with a thread i started end of July in which i got lots of great suggestions. one thing i've been using at the moment is Grapefruit Seed Extract, which is miraculous. you dilute it in water and apply to skin, douche, and can also drink (diluted!!!) to kill off candida--as part of a kill the candida diet which is meant to be very intense.
(also great to ward off colds, sore throats, heal cuts, kill lice etc etc etc)

used it on my baby's thrush nappy rash, itch gone in a few days. mine i s a bit more stubborn, but still working--i got rid of it for a while, but then ate terribly, and it's trying again. i haven't started it internally as i want to get my eating under control again first, so the die off isn't as horrible...
