abdominal support


i have a uterine and bladder prolapse. the doctors say it is mild, but it still bothers me. i have also been told i have a diastisis (separation on abdominal wall) from carrying babies. my PT says that since my abdominal muscles have weakened as a result, i should wear an abdominal support(wear it low around my waist and low abs) while doing activities such as walking, etc... to divert an extra intra-abdominal pressure. i could see how that would "lift" things and cut down on the force to pelvis. but then in the book you mention not to wear anything tight. were you directing that to people that did not have any abdominal weakness? if that were the case, i could see how that would make sense, but since i have such distorted and weak low abdominals i should need to support the abs so therefore the abs can do their job effectively by supporting the pelvic organs/muscles. any ideas?

That's a good question. I have a back support that my PT gave me for sacroilliac problems which she suggests wearing when I am having a lot of pain and doing a lot of lifting and heavy work. But it is very tight and I worry about it "squeezing my uterus out" as Christine describes in the book. I have already experienced this with wearing panty hose. Christine is gone for awhile but hopefully she will see this post and respond when she gets back. Or anyone else who may know! :)


Dear Youngmommy,

Has your abdominal condition remained unchanged since you first wrote in? Hopefully you received the video and will try this program. I've already given you my take on the abdominal support...you need to strenghthen your abdominals and I can't imagine how a corset is going to help you do that..however, you have to be the best judge of all the information you receive here, from your PT, and most importantly, from your own bodily experience. If the corset feels like it is helping, use it...if not try something else, like exercise and posture.
