A Quick Hello, glad I have found this forum :-)


Thought I would introduce myself first :) and what has happened.

My name is Louise I am nearly 29, from Scotland and have recently given birth to my second daughter, well almost recently 6 weeks ago! How time flies...anyway after much delay I finally managed to see what was going on in with my vagina I just hadn't been feeling myself down there since giving birth this time round i felt swollen and full etc., but for some reason I have been feeling a bit squeamish about it although I am not normally like this, I think 5 weeks of the flu had made me a bit fragile feeling..lol! My daughter was born in op position, as was my first daughter before her, but this time the pushing was harder, longer and she had a bigger than average head to boot, so that wouldnt have helped (totally worth it though!)

It all just looked wrong with bits bulging out over the shop and I thought my cervix was peaking out into my vagina upon further inspection when I plucked up the courage it turned out it was my urethra opening, it had moved right down and seems to have enlarged?, I had the doctor confirm this today, she said my vaginal walls and bladder have prolapsed and I think she was quite shocked I should have this at my age, so she asked the older male doctor for a second opinion, he said I wasnt to worry as I had just had a baby and to do some pelvic floor exercises and if it doesnt improve in a few months they could refer me to a physio to help, but after visiting this site we shall see. I am quite glad my doctor took this approach I was expecting talk of operations to be honest, which I dont want.

Reading this site has been great and is giving me the strength and confidence to accept this prolapse business, the word to me is actually more frightening than the thing in my opinion, and it has been great to hear of what can be done without surgical intervention. Even if I cant stop my slight incontinence it wont be the end of the world I suppose, tena have been handy..eek! Lol for me it helps to keep a sense of humour too, no point in letting it get me down :)

And as another poster said, it is early days after giving birth I have to keep reminding myself of that :)

So thanks everyone for reading, and hopefully I will be able to visit the forums regularly, between baby's feeds, hehe.

Best Wishes,
Louise xx

Hey, another Loopylou

Hi from Australia. Louise you have just the right attitude to get through this with flying colours! And thank goodness for old doctors with lots of commonsense.

I've got one job for you. Break every mirror in the house and don't buy any new ones for at least 12 months. That way you can't keep peeking. I think there is a reason that God put all our girls' bits down there, out of sight with a post-pregnant belly in the way. It was to save new Mums from ever being eyeballed by their own vulva on a bad hair day.

Yeah, a difficult birth or two can really rearrange things (for a while!). I remember feeling like my vulva was Muhammed Ali's face after his final fight the day after my first was born. Probably looked a bit like it too. Blowed if I know what it looked like. I certainly wasn't keen to see it!

But now, 26 years and another 2 vaginal births later, it all looks pretty normal except for a rather large epi scar from that first birth. Vulva behaves herself almost all the time. Christine and WW can take the credit for that. I can get my vulva to pull funny faces if I bear down in certain positions, but it's not something I make a habit of. Not a good party trick.

Hang around. It will get a lot better in the next 12 months. Posture, clothing, seating, diet are the man things, particularly posture, but it can take a while for your body to adjust. You will eventually trust it again.



Louise, hehe tis a good name! Thanks for the reply and the encouragement, as for the mirrors, well especially the ones on the wardrobe door, I think I will refrain from cleaning them next time my six year old daughter decides to fingerpaint them, LOL! that might stop the temptation to peek!

All the best,

Louise xx

That's the spirit. Why not just have a finger painting party in there and have some fun with it?