First Aid for Prolapse Video


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

The video is the answer to my prayers. I've been doing the exercises (with some degree of difficulty - I'm not very flexable yet) for three days and I feel wonderful. I went for a walk last night using the correct posture and it was invigorating. I feel I finally have some control over my situation.

I have to tell you that because of my fear of doing anything wrong I been acting like an invalid until the tape came. I've been doing alot of crying, and holding on to self pity mode, but that changed the day I heard your soothing voice on the video. I think you may have saved me from either going insane or going for surgery.

Your brillance in this area is a gift to all of us.

With all my appreciation,
"little marie"

Thank YOU, Marie for believing in me and most of all for doing the work. I'm telling you that it will change your life in ways you can't even imagine. This is work that is unique to each woman and calls upon our deepest reserves of strength, trust, patience, and creativity.



I just received the video in the mail today and I can't wait to pop it in tonight after the boys are in bed and try it out.



I just got the video today and haven't tried it yet either, but I have been doing most of the movement in the book, and I am in utter amazement at how my back pain has decreased in the last week!! When I first looked at some of the positions in the book, I thought, "I can't do that, that will hurt my back!" because I've been told for years that I needed to keep my back straight and in almost a perpetual pelvic tilt to support my back. Well, I know now that's almost surely what caused my prolapse. Anyway, after a few days of discomfort, NOT pain, from doing the positions, my back pain is almost nonexistent!!

I've been using the position while going for my walks, and i find that although I have to walk a little slower in order to do it correctly (at least for now), I am still getting a great workout because I am using muscles that haven't been used in years!

I just feel so good, I feel like I could dance! In fact, I think I will! :)


Ok, push up the sleeves, wiggle the fingers for warm-up, here's my review of the video...

I love it.

First I have to say that aside from the physical mechanics that it's given me, it's given me one more mega-dose of hope. I have to admit that I haven't done a whole lot of exercise since my diagnosis, for fear of worsening my condition. Even after learning the posture with confidence, and knowing logically that I'd be okay and that there are good days and bad days...even so, I haven't had the confidence to get back on my weight resistance program and besides you know how it is once you're out of the habit... I do love exercising in general though, always have, so this...this video has already done wonders for me. I feel like now I can begin again. I have a frame of reference, visually and otherwise, for knowing what I can and should be doing with my body.

So I did the whole routine for the first time and I feel great. (My elevated endorphins are making me gabby here, so bear with me.) The exercises are soothing and envigorating at the same time. You can feel the more powerful ones put things right where they need and like to be. Favorites: 1. the very last stretch (sorry I don't remember names yet) in standing position where you can feel the balance of your body shift. 2. the spread eagle, bar over head, shift the weight forward onto the perinium and 3. on all fours lifting legs straight up toward the ceiling with bent knee. Wow, that one's good.

Christine, you're a strong woman, it's now confirmed, after seeing you do that in-chair seated pillow-between-knees knee lift. I'll be working on that and will know I've accomplished something when I can do it.

Once again I say thank-you Christine. Make that THANK YOU, CHRISTINE! for all the work and thought you've put into this. I can't believe my fortune in having you when so many before me have had to struggle alone.

I can't emphasize enough how much this program, i.e. the book, the video and this forum have done for my life, both mental and physical.

Ok, I should go get a shower.

Love to all,

Dear Kelly,

It was really with all of you in mind that I was able to make it happen! Except for the voiceovers, we shot it all in one day....exhausting!! The only thing that matters is that it's a truly reversing program, which it has been for me and time will tell if it is for others. I know I'll have my detractors, but time will prove the worthinessof the work.

Much Love,


I had a question about the video. At the beginning it says that pregnant or menstruating women should not do the exercises. I was wondering why the menstruating part?

Julie's taught in traditional medical systems like Ayurveda, and even Western medicine gives this a nod...that excess stress, exercise, certain movements, and even personality type or temperment can cause menstrual tissue to flow backwards and out the fallopian tubes to implant outside the uterus, a condition called endometriosis. We really should pamper ourselves a bit during those days and "go with the flow."


Wow! I did not know that. I have heard that our ligaments are looser and more prone to injury during both ovulation and menstruation, so I thought maybe that had something to do with it.