Question about something wanting to come out down there feeling


I haven't been diagnosed officially yet with prolapse. I will see my OBgyn next week. Besides the lump i see i get the heavy feeling down there sometimes and like something wants to come the tampon inserted wrong feeling. I mostly get it if i've been walking for a long while, sometimes even standing a long time. But it doesn't last long sometimes and goes away...sometimes lasts longer. I was wondering if that feeling is associated with uterine prolapse or could it be with any of the prolapses...thanks...and do you get that feeling too?

I think that feeling can be associated with any of the prolapses. I've had that feeling and I'm assuming that I don't have a uterine prolapse. if I do, its mild enough that I don't know about it.
the primary sensory receptors in the vaginal walls are sensitive to stretch. so if anything in there changes shape or position, you're going to feel it, even if you didn't feel that something initially. that's why you don't feel a properly inserted tampon unless it starts to move down.

yes, I get that feeling. It is worse when my period is here. Like the whole lot may fall out and is being pulled with weights!