pain in lower abdomen....due to prolapse??


just wondering if its normal to feel pain in your abdomen due to a prolapse...i am 10 weeks postpartum and have a cystocele and rectocele. I have over the last 2 weeks seen an improvement in how i feel as far as being uncomfortable with the prolapse but over the last few days i keep getting little twinges of sharp pain through out my lower abdomen. It kind of concerns me and doesnt seem normal. I plan on calling my doctor monday, but just wondering if anyone had any idea what this might be. thanks in advance for your comments

could it be ovulation?
or bladder infection?

I know ligament pain gives me the twinges of sharp pain- it could be your ligaments getting used to your new posture.
hope everything comes out fine.

I experienced pain and a pulling sensation in my lower abdomen beginning about 5 weeks postpartum. My prolapses appeared not long after that. I believe the two were related. At that time I walked about 2 hours a day and that is when the pulling/pain was at its worst. The abdominal pain stopped after a few weeks. However, I have serious lower back pain related to my prolapses that continues every single day. The only time is doesn't hurt is when I am sitting or laying down. I have read some people experience pain with prolapse and many do not.

Does your pain feel better when you are laying down?

it sometimes does hurt when im standing but usually when i lay down is when it hurts the seems to be more on the left side.
Well what happened to me friday was this.....i started getting the pain so i layed down thinking it would go away ,but it got worse to the point that i tried laying a couple different ways and then i just sat up and it eventually went away....i havent had the pain much in the last two days. I luckily have not experienced the back pain