V2 supporter post-partum


I'm new to this site and have a question. Will wearing the V2 supporter, at least during those first PP weeks, be helpful at all to hold things together while they go back to more normal, or will the pressure make them worse?

Here's more information on my situation:
I'm 39 weeks pregnant with baby #3, had a 1-2 grade cystocele after baby #2. Incontinence was never an issue, but the heaviness feeling and possibly incomplete voiding were my concerns. I haven't had much trouble with it during this pregnancy (got pregnant when baby#2 was 13 months old). I've been wearing the mini-cradle but saw that perhaps a V2 supporter could help more. Online it seems to be useful for external bladder prolapse, but so far, mine hasn't been external. Of course, who knows what will happen after I deliver this baby.

by now you have had your baby or are about to have your baby. Was the birth wonderful? Did you decide to go with the V2?
Sorry I missed this a few weeks ago- but excited to hear your news.
If you have any interest there was a thread a while ago about pp plans- resting, walking, etc...

Hi there,

I too plan on wearing the V2 supporter pp. I already wear one, and have since 19 weeks. I find it quite helpful. I also wear the prenatal cradle and look forward to getting rid of it after baby!

We are all curious to see how you are doing now that your little one has arrived!