Help - 7 1/2 weeks pregnant and cervix very, very low - support for womb????


Hey everyone
Just wondering if any of you have any experience of using a ring when pregnant to support the womb???? My cervix is really, really low and I know that hopefully it will start to rise as the pregnancy progresses - but it's right there at the entrance and I'm so worried it's going to come right out. Would a ring push it back in? My ob doesn't like to use rings and I must confess, I'm of the "use it or lose it" mindset. Don't think the cystocele or rectocele are helping matters at all but I can cope with these if I know that the womb is safe - if that makes sense. Can anyone offer any insight at all?
Regards J xx

I would not think twice about it. Your uterus will be fine and somewhere around 5 months or so it will pop out over your pubic bone and your cervix will rise up beautifully. While you wait consider knees and elbows your goto position- also downward dog. Rest well- you may have some luck pushing your cervix up then bending forward for a few minutes. I don't know about the ring. In early pregnancy I did use a tampon to support my rectocele- but you cervix would probably push one right out-
perhaps the V2 or prenatal cradle?
The weeks are going to just fly by- I know it seems like a long time-but really it is over so fast.

ahhhh, some reassurance. Thank you - I'm whooping with delight. The tampon sounds like a great idea - but yes, the cervix would push it out probably. The idea of some support sounds just gorgeous though. oh, I wish.....! It's interesting as I hadn't really considered support internally for the rectocele - what a brilliant idea! Where exactly do you put it then? I remember Sue saying she puts one almost horizontally to give some support - or do you just put it in as we used to do in the world before prolapse? I haven't been able to insert one properly since. So it might be worth trying t oget one of these V2 supports then? Will try and do a search on where I can get it in the UK. Why am I so terrified of trying a tampon?!