New here with 3rd degree cystocele slight rectocele


I am 29 yo and have a 17 month old. I had a natural birth with long pushing stage and vacuum delivery. I've been bummed about the problem since my doctor encouraged surgery after having all my children. She was great to fit me for a pessory.....but I've had trouble getting it into place ( I have the gehrung pessory).
I just started working on my posture and doing the excercises. I feel somewhat better, but was wondering what has really worked for any of you on managing your 3rd degree cystocele. I am also very nervous to get pregnant again.
Thanks, amamleigh

I have one of these lovely POPs (Yeah slight sarcasm lol)

I have found that posture helps so much (Though I have flu at the moment and am sure all this coughing wont be any help though I havent noticed anything bad happen)

On my worst days (just before period) I use what I call 'The shelf' And that is a tampon sidewards. But I have found lately I dont hafta even use that much lately

I think my POP came in my first forceps birth... And I had a further two children......

I will pop back when the flu has left me..... However that long might be...

Sometimes youre holding someone else's heart in your hands. You can drop that heart & bruise it. You can squash that heart & hurt it. Or you can stomp on it & totally annihalate it. You stomp on that heart or bruise it. It can forever be changed ♥

Thank you for the advice and encouragement. I have a silly do you get a tampon in sideways?

I also have a cystocele, don't know the official grade, but at its worst it was probably a 3rd degree. now on the best days, I only notice it if I go looking for it and its still there, but higher up (nowhere near the opening).
so what worked? posture, firebreathing, the ballet workout (though to be honest I never have time to do the whole thing, I just do the plies mostly) and nauli. diet helped too, for some reason too much dairy tends to make mine worse.
if you're nervous to get pg again, I'd say throw yourself wholeheartedly into this work and see how you feel in a few months. once you see what your body is capable of, and learn how you can actually have an effect on the prolapse, you might feel a bit more confident.
I got pg with my youngest about a year or so after finding my prolapse, and I am no worse off for it. so its possible, but I'd recommend getting a handle on this first. this way you'll know how to minimize further damage and you won't worry as much.

I have nothing to add in the way of info to granolamom's informative post, except that I feel for you with the long pushing stage and vacum -- I'm certain that's where my problems began with first birth. I went on to have 2 more babies, both home births because I couldn't go anywhere near a hospital after that horrendous experience; wasn't aware at the time I had prolapse, but lookng back, I had symptoms before I really realized it which was after baby #3. You'll be amazed at how much you can heal -- the healing of your spirit is as important as the healing of your body -- for us all, I mean. It's devastating to be out of control. Then, we gradually realize it's all manageable.

THank you all for the warm welcome and advice. I really appreciate hearing your stories.
I do have a question.....what is firebreathing?

firebreathing is a fabulous exercise that helps reposition the pelvic organs. its in the second edition of the book.

Thanks. I have the 1st edition. Hopefully soon I'll have the second.

A young mother who after two beautiful children, needs a pessory. I'm supposed to take it out every night and put it back every morning. I can not seem to get it out! I'm so embarrassed and even asked my doctor for a lesson. I just can't reach it! Any advice?

Your doctor should have given you a lesson, without you having to ask. So you should probably go back and get the training you have coming to you. It won't hurt you to leave it in for awhile, though that isn't ideal.

Most pessaries actually aggravate prolapse. I hope, since you have found our site, that you will look into the Whole Woman posture and tools for managing prolapse naturally. - Surviving

I am so thankful for all of the wisdom on this forum. I had a total hysterectomy (stage 4 endometriosis) in 2005, had some problems with mild cystocele about 6 months later. Improved some, used a ring pessary for a bit, but size difficult to wear due to my resulting mini-vagina. Recently after too much run/walk activity I had what seemed like a rapid progression of prolapse - probably rectal and cystocele, probably everything in my belly actually. I found the website and started working on my posture (everywhere - sofa, chairs, car, etc) and found it to be very helpful! Also changed my clothing, no tight jeans/pants, just skirts and loose fitting clothes to minimize abdominal/pelvic pressure. Then I also purchased the Saving the Post-Hyst Woman, but have not had time yet to get past first video. My doc referred me to urogyn last week but I really only want to see their nurse practitioner and get a pessary if it would be helpful. Appointment is next week. Should I get another pessary??? I'm just not sure. I have no interest in seeing the urogyn and will NOT have a surgery. I plan to follow the posture and exercises...I know, I need to get to videos. BUT, has anyone had experience post-hyst with pessaries and do they make it better or worse? Initially, I thought I could not survive this (seriously) but now I know I can do it. Thank you all...I'm just starting to get a grip, really, and it's already better.

Hi PintoBean,
It sounds like you have been doing well on your own with the whole woman work. Pessaries do have their draw backs by keeping the vagina open or causing sore areas. It is really up to you if you want to add a pessary in, but use caution.

Thanks, Aging gracefully. I've made the decision to cancel my "pessary appointment" and keep working on the posture and exercises. I've already seen improvements. The last think I want to do is have a tear or ulceration in the vaginal wall and that's what I fear with pessary. And then there's the great possibility of BV, air "noises"and who knows what other unpleasantries may await me. Oh, just the thought... Yuck! I'm going with WW! Thanks again.

Hi PintoBean,
I would have to agree. In the beginning of my journey, I did some reading about pessaries too, and for the same reasons as you, I just couldn't bring myself to do it!