an update and a thank-you


i first posted here in a panic 2 weeks ago... i wanted to thank all you wonderful women for your advice and suggestions, which i've taken very much to heart.

i'm now 5 weeks pp, and have a mild cystocele, mild uterine prolapse and possibly a rectocele. i'm finally at the point where i'm having to strain less with BMs (though still a tiny bit, as well as splinting), but the following things have really helped: ground flax every day, lots of fresh fruit/vegetables, cutting out wheat/white flour/unrefined grains, cutting out dairy, adding magnesium, having a bowl of stewed prunes in the evening (are stewed prunes habit-forming? they work so well for me...). i'm trying to do the WW posture when i remember, and doing a downward dog + child pose really helps. i also do kegels regularly, i think they help my cystocele if nothing else. oddly, i find that the easier my BM is in the morning, the less i feel my POP the rest of the day. does everyone here end up "obsessed" with their BMs like this?! :)

anyway, i'm certainly less depressed/stressed about this all, and very grateful for all the help i received in this forum. i'll continue to lurk here frequently...

Hi Honeydew,

Glad to hear you are finding relief! You sound similar to me in the bathroom area. I feel like my whole day revolves around my bathroom business. I too, take flax, fruit/veg, magnesium, exercises, etc. I feel like if I forget to do any of the above, I will have problems. It seems hard to believe that some seasoned veterans up here don't even think about their prolapses anymore, but that is what I'm hearing! That would be unbelievably wonderful! :) Keep up the good work and maybe that will be us someday!


sounds like you're doing well, honeydew. and really, its still so early for you. I have to say that I am now 21 months pp and have noticed recently a significant change in my prolapse (positive). I'm hoping that its not a fluke, but really, I'm starting to feel as though my body is nearing its pre-pg state. almost 2 years later! amazing how much the body remembers and how much it continues to change and adapt.

but anyway.
obsess? oh yeah. I used to check on my prolapse multiple times daily. makes total sense that the easier the bm, the better behaved the prolapse. everything is in such close quarters, everything affects everything else.

enjoy your improvements, I'm sure there's more to come.

sounds like you are getting the first piece of the puzzle in place. Once you get your straining totally sorted out you will have room in your life to fit the next piece in. The Posture really is the key. Once your organs are positioned over bone you will notice more improvement. As your post-partum body begins to tighten back up you will see even more improvement. 18 months out was a great time for me. When you get comfortable with the posture you will be able to begin to strengthen your body in many different ways. And of course soon we will have a new DVD with awesome examples of exercises to do.
So happy you are seeing some improvement so soon. What an amazing body you have- to start responding so quickly to your improvements.

i certainly wouldn't call the improvement dramatic (i have a long way to go before i can have a BM without any kind of "help"). but mentally, thanks to this forum, i know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. and i feel like less of a "freak" -- which is probably the scariest part when all this happens. (of course, the day i wrote that optimistic post, i was horrified to notice a giant bulge from my bladder in the evening :(
just knowing that i can be pro-active really helps me psychologically, as does hearing about how many of you have seen greater improvement over many months.